<p>Basically.. freshmen take as you said "Engineering First", and calculus and chemistry (placing out of those is rare unless you take college calculus (at an actual college, AP only places you out of Calc 1 and 2, and Chem AP places you out of the gen/accel chem sequence that's required for all the Eng majors, except for Industrial/Computer I think) As for the other two classes...</p>
<p>Engineering Design/Communication - It's a lot of work.. but a lot of fun. I just finished my first quarter of it (there are two) and it was a lot of work, like I said, but worth it. You're placed in groups of 3/4 people, and have to design the solution to a problem (with a real-life client), projects this year ranged for a way for an injured turtle to be lifted from the water safety for treatment (for the Shedd Aquarium) to my project, which was to design an easy-to-use TV remote control for C5/C6 Spinal Cord Injury patients at the Rehab Institute of Chicago. This past Saturday, each group had created a poster/prototype (ours was fully-functional) and presented them to a group of judges/general public. You also have to write a design-related essay for the class. </p>
<p>Engineering Analysis - The bane of all engineers here. It's a 4-quarter sequence.. a saying is that you can't spell death without EA. First quarter - Linear Algebra/MATLAB (Comp Prog), Second - Static Newtonian Physics, Third - Dynamics and Systems, Fourth (soph year) - Diff Eq. EA 1 has Programming labs every week, EA 2 has a design project that is hell, EA 3 (haven't taken) has quizzes every day of class within the first 3 minutes on the reading, and I've heard EA 4 has labs slightly like EA 1. Engineers here are known for staying up late and flailing because of the EA problem sets, and all non-engineers have heard us complain. </p>
<p>Frankly, I hate EA, but I feel that's a consensus among engineers here. I'm sure that the core is good, because we'll be using the skills throughout a lot of the courses here, but it's difficult, and a lot view it as a weed-out process, much like the Chem (especially Orgo) program is a weed-out for premed.</p>
<p>Basically.. my fresh schedule is/was
Fall - EA 1, Calc 230 (Multivariable Differentation), Chem 171 (Accelerated Inorganic Chem), and Marching Band
Winter - EA 2, Calc 234 (Multivariable Integration), Chem 172 (Accelerated Physical Chem), and EDC
Spring - EA 3, Nano EDC (a special section involving nanotechnology and teaching concepts from it to middle school kids), Analysis and Performance of Literature (either that or public speaking is required for all engineers), and EECS 203 (Intro to Computer Engineering, a technical elective for Mat Sci)</p>