son just pushed send on VT ED!

<p>i'm so happy that my son found the college he wanted to go to, that we could afford and that he is a match for!!
CR + M=1400
GPA W 4.3
intel isef finalist
mit think winner
stockholm junior water prize state winner
(not that they care about awards,just numbers)
he is oos but this is the school he loves for engineering.
good luck to everybody!
and now i look at all those 'how to get into college' books i pored over and laugh at myself...the best advice i got from college confidential: 'love the kid you have on the couch"; so glad I did not force him to take AP lang/lit courses he would have hated just to jump through somebody's hoops..he took all the math and science available and had a great time in high school. hopefully we will soon be a hokie family!</p>

<p>Congratulations to kayak kid and family!</p>

<p>Good luck to kayakmom and son! Don’t feel bad, many times I have shaken my head at myself, too, for worrying so much about this college stuff! It all works out in the end most of the time! :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Here’s to hoping that your guy gets good news mid-December! It is a great school, no doubt, and he will love it there. Best wishes to you both!</p>

<p>Likewise, my son sent in his application a couple of weeks ago for ED. First choice engineering, second University studies. His scores are not as strong as your son’s but I think they are right in there for University Studies. 630 on both math and CR - GPA 3.9, top 10th percent of a large 600+ class, good mix of challenging classes - Honors and AP, double accelerated math track since middle school.</p>

<p>If he doesn’t end up getting into engineering as a freshman, he’ll follow the same course track and transfer in. </p>

<p>If I had to bet - I’m betting he will get deferred to Regular decision time, but we are keeping our fingers crossed. It certainly would do away with a lot of the stress of having to apply to other schools as back-ups for regular decision.</p>

<p>Good luck to our boys - hoping they meet in an class as freshman Hokies!!!</p>

<p>KayakMom " i’m so happy that my son found the college he wanted to go to, that we could afford and that he is a match for!!"</p>

<p>It’s great when they really feel a connection with a particular college. We could have been debating on and on about whether your son should consider UMD etc etc. But if he really fits at Tech then the decision is done. DS#2 only visited UVA and VT and after the VT visit decided he didn’t need to go anywhere else. He had his ED application done really early. My sons stats are about the same as yours so I expect they’ll both be attending engineering next fall.</p>

<p>Congrats and best luck. My son is freshman engineering major. He applied ED from out of state last year and got into engineering. He really loves it. We loved the school when we visited. A perfect fit!</p>

<p>kayakmom and gigagirl, Good luck to your sons! My son also is in engineering, a senior. Virginia Tech was also a very good fit for him. Another good thing about VT is the help they give with helping kids find jobs. Engineering Expo is great . Also, the individual departments sometimes have leads on opportunities. My 13’ son already has a job waiting for him after he graduates. He had an internship last summer which has led to full time employment. So, VT has been great.</p>

<p>I’m a freshman at tech in and I love it! Great spirit, great opportunities, and great people!!!</p>

<p>That was basically my r</p>

<p>My daughter is sophomore civil engineering major. To say she loves VT is an understatement. I have to admit I wasn’t sold on the school when we visited but fortunately I trusted her and everything has worked out extremely well. Last week she was offered essentially her dream internship after meeting with a great company at Engineering Expo. Good luck to all applicants - its a tremendous school.</p>