Son's chances

<p>Rising senior
Unweighted GPA: 3.8
Weighted GPA: 4.5
SAT: 2,140 (CR: 690 M: 650 W: 800)
ACT: 32
Subject tests in history and English to be taken in October</p>

<p>Intended major: History or English Literature</p>

<p>Magnet Program for Academics in Middle School
Magnet Program for the Arts in High School</p>

<p>APs: U.S. History (4), Psychology (4), English (4)
Intended APs for senior year: 4 courses -- I can't remember which courses</p>

<p>Orchestra: Regional orchestra, strolling strings, perfect score in solo and ensemble
Arts Honor Society
Teacher Aid
Cross Country
Model United Nations</p>

<p>Volunteer Work: Children's Hospital (art assistant); volunteer performances at various elementary schools to promote interest in arts program</p>

<p>I'm sure there's more and he could do a better job of listing it all.</p>

<p>Plans to apply to:</p>

<p>UC Berkeley
University of Southern California
Boston University

<p>If he doesn't get into any of those, he's a shoe-in in South Carolina (place of residence) and will receive a full scholarship to wherever he decides to attend.</p>

<p>Thanks for your input!</p>

<p>UC Berkeley: Reach*
University of Southern California: Reach*
Boston University: In
Tulane: Probably</p>

<p>Reach @ California due to low OOS stats.</p>

<p>Bump USC down to slight reach. They don't take OOS too much into consideration.</p>

<p>Try to get SATs a little higher. If not, no worries. What instrument does he play? I'm at USC right now and I definitely think he's a qualified candidate. Send in tapes of him playing his instrument and keep up the solid grades.</p>

<p>Thanks! :) He plays cello. His private teacher (through the arts program at his high school) has made tapes. We'll do that.</p>

<p>It's funny because we're USC (South Carolina) fans. It would be easy to pull for USC (Trojans) also.</p>

<p>Great! I'm actually a cellist myself. What pieces are on the tapes?</p>

<p>You're starting to speak a little over my head now as my father was the musical one from which those genes originated. :) I did just check out the private teacher's site and saw that it is the Courante and Sarabande from BachÂ’s third cello suite. That's about all I can tell you other than I thought it sounded real nice at his performances.</p>