<p>if we got in or not??</p>
<p>april or march?</p>
<p>if we got in or not??</p>
<p>april or march?</p>
<p>March 31st has been declared as the ivy league notification date.</p>
<p>I lol’d at how you wrote the title, as though we are all in one room together but no one is talking. haha</p>
<p>If you applied to the Hotel School or contract colleges, there are rolling decisions (but not rolling admissions), so you could hear earlier by mail; otherwise, you can check online at 5 pm EDT on 31 March 09.</p>
<p>@sebcartwright - Wait, I thought they were rolling admissions, i.e. if you were rejected you didn’t find out till March 31st?</p>
<p>You are right…only acceptances are mailed (no acceptances will be posted online at this time) to students who applied to a college that offers rolling decisions.</p>
<p>All final decisions (acceptance and rejections) will be posted online on March 31.</p>
It’s not real rolling admissions because no decisions are made before the application deadline; it’s only the acceptances that are rolling.</p>
<p>Does this mean that if we don’t hear back from any of the Ivies by mail before March 31, we’re basically rejected? Or does this only apply to Cornell?</p>
<p>March 31 is the Ivy League common notification date. ALL decisions (acceptance, wait-list, GT or rejection) will be posted online (5 pm EST for Cornell) and/or mailed to the applicant’s home.</p>
<p>Very few applicants will hear from Cornell’s rolling decision colleges before this date…if you did apply to one of those schools and don’t receive a decision before the common notification date, it doesn’t necessarily mean you were rejected.</p>
<p>Thanks for the clarification, dewdrop! I missed the part about rolling decisions only applying to certain Cornell colleges, so that’s why I was confused (I only applied to A&S).</p>
<p>i’ve heard from a bunch of CC people that march 31 is the “ivy league notification date” – does the entire ivy league always release decisions on the same day? how did you all find out that this date is march 31? i can’t find anything online about it anywhere except CC</p>
<p>To plumsnow, yes March 31 at 5:00 PM is when all of the Ivies make their decisions available. It should be somewhere on the website about it, and people on CC may know because they went through it in previous years.</p>
<p>plumsnow - here is the link to penn’s newspaper regarding the decision’s date and time, last paragraph.</p>
<p>[url=<a href=“http://media.www.dailypennsylvanian.com/media/storage/paper882/news/2009/02/17/News/Total.Application.Numbers.Steady.In.2009.Interactive.Graph-3633227.shtml]dailypennsylvanian[/url”>http://media.www.dailypennsylvanian.com/media/storage/paper882/news/2009/02/17/News/Total.Application.Numbers.Steady.In.2009.Interactive.Graph-3633227.shtml]dailypennsylvanian[/url</a>]</p>
<p>thanks icylava!!! i just wanted to make sure the day i was obsessing about was legitimate hahaa</p>
<p>i posted that question a bunch of places on CC and everyone just sent me links to other CC forums and i’m like “hmmm maybe this is just some huge CC rumor that has now become a fact?”</p>
<p>thanks again. 40 days!</p>
<p>thanx ppl :)</p>