<p>No offense to the advanced people of age on this board, but why does noone over 35 list their age? Is everyone scared? 50 is not a death sentence, both my parents are over 50. Just curious, for the love of God please don't be offended. I don't need to be flamed like I was with my cigarette post in the Cafe.</p>
<p>because we are eternally young and all have pictures of Dorian Gray stashed in our closets to help keep our youthful looks</p>
<p>You assume I did not put up my age as if I don't want to admit it or something. I just did not list any profile, just never felt a need to do so. But here you go: I am 47 years old, live in Vermont, am married 27 years, have two girls ages 16 and 18. </p>
<p>Now, if you asked me my weight, I may stop at that!</p>
<p>Susan: I got on the scale for the first time in months today. Really wish I hadn't...at age 48 (that's for you joev), all the numbers keep getting bigger!</p>
<p>Plus I agree that age 50 is not a death sentence. My hubby turned 50 a week ago. He did not like getting something from AARP in the mail though. </p>
<p>I don't feel old, nor do I care about my age and it is definitely not a secret. Frankly people tell me I look quite a bit younger than I am, though I have no idea. </p>
<p>When people call my home, almost every single person asks me if they can talk to my parents (to which I have to say, I AM the parent) because apparently my voice comes across as young. They are the ones who are always flustered and apologizing profusely to me for mistaking me for one of my children, but I have no idea what the big deal is as I certainly do not mind. At least I am "youthful" in one respect!</p>
<p>Fredo, well, at least Joe did not ask our weight, so let's be happy. I won't tell if you don't.</p>
<p>WOW, you guys post quicker than all freaking heck. I am 6' 3" 250 for terms of full disclosure. I had pretty much figured your guys age out by reading your posts. :-)
But on the real, pray for my fiancee if you guys are the religous type. She has MS and is doing better now, but there is no medicene better than the power of prayer.
Hopefully in a couple weeks she can be able to walk again.</p>
<p>We get stuff from AARP just cause of our zipcode, it is pretty funny.
I love it when I get telemarketers that ask if my mother is home, I reply " how the heck would I know? and hang up!</p>
<p>I'm over 35.....</p>
<p>I'm 36 :) and life just keeps getting better. I suppose I must look pretty young because people are always telling me that my "brother" (son) and I look just alike. We do favor each other more than most moms/sons do. </p>
<p>I never saw anyone ask for our ages....so I don't think any parents are scared.</p>
<p>I don't put any info in the profile because I post private info about my S and I also interview for my alma mater, I am trying to remain anonymous. </p>
<p>In real life, I have no probs saying my age. I take pride in working out and most people (at least those wanting to be on my good side) say I look younger than I am. ;)</p>
<p>Hi Joev - I'm the praying type, and I'll pray for her. I had friends with MS and it was a long, hard row to hoe....I have a daughter with cancer so I am no stranger to all this.....</p>
<p>Man, you guys are awesome as all heck. (I have tempered my swear words, as per my classmates who claim I swear too much.) But I have never <strong><em>ing seen that *</em></strong>sh* in my speak. Sooz to the ooze and North stariee, dont you miss before you were married days?</p>
<p>Thanks voronwe, it feels good.</p>
<p>Well my mother told me these 2 things;</p>
<p>It is not polite to ask about a person's person (age, weight, etc)</p>
<p>A woman who tells her age will tell anything</p>
<p>Does it make me selfish if I pray more for my fiancee than myself??? I always felt bad to pray for myself.</p>
<p>No, it does not make you selfish it just shows how much you love her. Romans 15: 1 states </p>
<p>We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves.</p>
<p>We should always hold up one another in prayer. Believe God for her healing :)</p>
<p>Joe, you are a caring partner and I will send positive thoughts your way for your fiancee. It is not easy for her. My sister in law who is 46 (since we keep revealing ages here) has had MS for a long time. She basically cannot walk now...she will go from one room of the house to another using a walker but otherwise uses a wheelchair anywhere else. It is not easy. Her car is equipped with hand controls. There are varying degrees or strains of MS as you know and I hope your fiancee improves and also researches all available options out there. </p>
<p>How is it selfish to pray more for your fiancee than yourself? Rather it makes you a caring person who is not self centered. She is lucky to have you. </p>
<p>She will be healed. I forgot about Romans. Regardless pray for me and my fiancee, its been crazy.</p>
<p>I did post my age when someone dared me to . Don't remember, but it could be you, Joev.</p>
<p>Wo, sybbie, you are a member now! Here's some virtual champagne for you!</p>