Soozivet, Jamimom, Northstarmom why no age?

<p>thanks achat</p>

<p>Posted my age when I re-upped in the new site so <em>I'm</em> not in trouble. </p>

<p>Extra prayers for the researchers working on cancer and MS cures!</p>

<p>JOEV: My S went through a trauma right about your age ....27 yrs. His Japanese girlfriend came down with encephalitis while she was living in Boston. My S was devastated as she ended up in a coma and had to be shipped back to Tokyo on a gurney...she simply ran out of health insurance..she was on a working visa. She was in that coma for ONE year!!!! could not walk, talk, eat, seizured daily, and had a trach. She has partially recovered, however, and he went to visit her...but it is not the same. I truly am sorry for him because he thought she was the ONE. Now two years later, he has not been able to trust again....he has, however, gone for counselling and irt has helped somewhat. I trust you will be able to deal with your girlfriend's infirmity with hope and personal strength.</p>

<p>joev: a new and exciting MS drug called Antegren is before the FDA right now.</p>


<p>My heart goes out to you and to your fiancee. Let us hope some medical breakthrough will help her.</p>

<p>Joev, Have either of you heard of the Swank (Roy Swank) diet for ms? There's some proof that it helps and it certainly can't hurt. There's at least one well-thought of ms doctor here (neurologist?) who recommends it to his patients.</p>

<p>Voronwe, I didn't know. May she be healed.</p>


<p>I believe in the power of healing prayer. You and your fiancee will be in our prayers. Blessings to you.</p>

<p>I hope that 50 is not a death sentence because if it is, I have been a zombie for years.</p>

<p>Voronwe and joev, we'll all keep you and yours in our prayers.</p>

<p>Dadofsam, the way I looked at it when I turned 50 this year is that I'm half-way there. (My grandfather lived to 101 and my dad is 87 and still very active, so 50 might be half-way for me). But now I'll be worried when I seem to be sleep-walking through my day!</p>

<p>Voronwe, and Joev, prayers for your loved ones and you. Voronwe, you do know that I have a child who is a cancer survivor. </p>

<p>As for my age, why do is the OP so curious? It's no secret among anyone I know, but just not something I even think about. I am 51 years old. Just had no reason to report it.</p>

<p>Figure it out. We are THE Boomers. Born between 1946-1964. A lot of us postponed marrige and kids until we were in the mid thirties and hence our kids are in school or entering school, make us in the 50's. If we are late Boomers then our kids are in entering, which makes us in the near 45. If we are in the first half of the cohort then our kids are out or nearly so, thus we would not be posting on CC. </p>

<p>Surprised that you are on CC-parents forum. You are too young to have kids who need to be thinking about higher ed, and you are too old to enter college, unless you are considering a career change. Just browsing??</p>

<p>Good luck and hope it works out.</p>

<p>this is the kind of post that junks up the parents board, and should be in cafe.</p>

<p>Many years ago I learned that just because someone asks me a personal question doesn't mean I have to answer.</p>

<p><------------ suffers from peter pan syndrome</p>

<p>I'm turning 50 in December and I've decided to start ADDING 10 years to my age and saying I'm 60...then people will tell me I look great for my age! :)</p>

Many years ago I learned that just because someone asks me a personal question doesn't mean I have to answer.


Especially when the kind of responses that some posters usually generate are so offensive that I have them blocked.</p>

<p>why no age?</p>

<p>because when stores automatically start giving you senior citizen discounts, you become grouchy. When you go to barber and she asks would you like to have them counted and color too, you know it is time to forget those damn two digit high numbers.</p>

<p>I dunno. Senior discounts make going to the movies a lot more palatable.</p>