<p>If the directions say “approximately 500” then 600 should be ok, IMHO.</p>
<p>When 500 is stated as the maximum (not the approximation), I know some committee members who wouldn’t blink at 600. I also know some committee members who would immediately assume that the writer of a 600 word statement cannot follow directions.</p>
<p>Thats great to hear. I sent off my thousand word maximum essay with a little over 1150 words. I started to reconsider, but if a department is so finicky over something like an application, I can only imagine how bad they would be with all the other administrative details that would pop up through the course of a Phd.</p>
<p>Yea, “approximate” roughly means 10% at most since its a rough threshold for eyeballing length heh. Also be warned that when they don’t state the “approximate” length, they may simply cutoff words from your document or plaintext form after submission.</p>
For one school, I had to prune my 1000 word sop to 500. It basically went from elaborate and descriptive to pithy and pretty bare ;(</p>