Sophomore Going back to Umich, Housing Question...

<p>So I'm returning after taking a year off, I'm pretty sure I'll be living on campus. I'm sending in my lottery slip now. Will rooming with a random person or 2 be horrible? My freshman year it was fine, but I think I might end up with some anti-social person now. Please let me know of experiences and advice.</p>


<p>Eh, it can differ greatly. I have a pretty chill roommate, most of my hall is freakishly awesome. Honestly, my hall has made my transfer experience just that much better.</p>

<p>But yes, you can be stuck with someone that you don't fit with well. Just think about it like this, it's a life experience. No one wants to live with someone that they don't get along with, but hey, tough it out for a year; maybe gain some new perspectives along the way. It can't hurt.</p>

<p>jhum111 did you do a learning community your first year?</p>

<p>Hey guys I am a guy and transfer student from William and Mary. Didn't like it for various reasons including the school location, socially wasn't really aligned, and some academic stuff. Anyways, I visited Michigan last week and thought it was amazing so I sent in my deposit. I got some email about housing but I am still confused. I can't seem to find the housing transfer application. Is it going to be sent in the mail or is it online?</p>
