<p>Hey guys this is my first post. I was just wondering if you think I could handle the following schedule for next year. I'd also like it to look good for college.
0: Adv PE
1: H English 10A
2: H Algebra 2B
3: AP Biology (Had Honors Biology this year.)
4: AP Art History
5: AP World History
6: H Spanish 3A</p>
<p>It looks good–I’m a sophmore next year too^.^ I guess it all depends on how hard you work, the time you can invest, and how ‘easy’ the subject is to you, personally. If you did well this year, then 3 APs are fine. They don’t hurt your transcript either, just keep getting A’s, and if your school offers an IB Program, that looks awesome to colleges too. Oh, and get leadership positions in clubs (or at least involved), try out a sport, volunteer, etc, etc. </p>
<p>0: We don’t get zero periods
1: AP English Literature
2: Whatever comes after a year of Algebra 2 (I still need to take a summer class)
3: AP Bio
4: AP World (good luck!)
5: Spanish 2
6: Dance PE (to fulfill the mandatory 1 year of performing arts)
…you guys have ADV PE? What does that do?</p>
I’m sorry, I’m kind of obsessed with anime, and your username reminded me of something…</p>
<p>Chidori 1000 birds! 8D!</p>
<p>Heh, no worries, I get crazy excited when I meet one of my kind too. Right now, I’m grinning to myself in a dark room.</p>
<p>Oh. My. God.</p>
<p>FINALLY. </p>
<p>I thought CC hated anime until you came along.</p>
<p>Have you been keeping up with Shippuden?</p>
Sorry for jacking your thread. I’ll give you some advice on your schedule:</p>
<p>-AP Bio, at my school, is one of the hardest classes you can take. It’s kind of a GPA-wrecker, for the masochists, but if you really like biology, then by all means…</p>
<p>-AP Art History varies from school to school; it all depends on your teacher. Ask previous students about the difficulty of your class. In short, though, it’s more history than art. You gotta remember the names and informations of lots of pictures.</p>
<p>-AP World History…you should be fine. Most of it’s work, but it’s managable, and everyone takes this class at my school (the juniors do anyway).</p>
<p>-Advanced PE? No sweat. Unless you happen to be super uncoordinated. Let’s pray that you aren’t.</p>
<p>-Honors courses are, or should be, pretty easy, if you are anything like a typical CC’er. What’s a typical CC’er, you ask? You’ll find out the longer you’re on this site.</p>
<p>Good luck!</p>
<p>Yeah, I heard AP World was loads better than AP Euro. More big picture, less name memorizing. </p>
<p>The typical CCers scare me just a bit. I look at their posts, with all the AP courses, and self study, and internships and whatnot…and then I die, just a bit, internally.</p>
<p>Yup–I’ve seen the latest anime, and read the latest manga. Crazy plot twists, huh?</p>
<p>Nah, I’m pretty sure other CCers are closet anime fans too, but there’s just something that holds you back from sharing that information on a website occupied by intimidating smartsmart people. </p>
<p>So what other anime do you watch?
…should we start a new thread on this?</p>