Sorority questions

<p>Hi everyone! I’m planning rushing at Alabama in the fall. I am from out of state (Chicago) and I will be the first Greek in my family. I’m very involved in high school (president and founder of two clubs, editor-in-chief of my paper, executive board treasurer, religious education teacher, several other clubs), and I have a 3.71 GPA with several honors and AP classes (I’m hoping to boost my GPA even higher this semester). I have one contact at Alabama, so that isn’t going to get me far.</p>

<p>I have few letters of recommendation, but nowhere near enough. I’m in major need of some advice! I’m willing to put time and energy in to have the most successful rush possible. </p>

<p>Also, can someone fill me in on this spring preview weekend? </p>

<p>Thank you =)</p>

<p>Ahpimommy is our resident expert on all things Greek at Bama…</p>

<p>Here are some of her threads.</p>

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Contact her for more info…she’s very helpful!</p>

<p>Ahpimommy…when you have time, can you add updates to your threads? Thanks!!</p>

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Thank you so much! </p>

<p>Francesca…I answered your message yesterday and hen I go to thinking that maybe you couldn’t see it because you didn’t have enough posts…not sure how CC does it. So…either email me tneeb(at)swbell(dot)net or call me tonight 816-213-5922 and I will walk you through Preview. recruitment, answer questions ect. We leave for two weeks in Hawaii tomorrow and so I might be harder to reach then. I am happy to help you :)…Tammy Neeb…aka Ahpimommy</p>

<p>ahpimommy, My daughter is attending AU this fall and is going through recruitment this fall. We are in Texas (Plano area, outside Dallas) and I have a few questions about the process. She will not be able to attend Preview weekend because she is leaving that day for a mission trip to Uganda for 2 weeks! I was in a sorority so i am fairly familiar with Rush in general…but that was a LONG time ago! We are registering with Plano/Richardson Panhellenic, but I have friends who know my daughter who would like to write recs/RIF’s also. And then there are the letters of support! I heard that Alabama doesn’t want those, but I want to be sure! We are regular readers of your blog…LOVE it! Thanks so much!</p>

<p>lsmith…I am home this evening if you want to call…happy to chat and answer your questions.</p>

<p>lsmith525 - Alabama is UA. the other school that shall not be named is AU. Really, really, really don’t want to be mixing those up. </p>

<p>Wow!, Hawaii for 2 weeks, Ahpimommy! </p>

<p>Yes…with 2 weddings in the next 12 months this mom needs some sun and sand !! Spent most of today trying to pack and work on rehearsal dinners. </p>

<p>I guess I need to check my typing! Definitely don’t want to make that mistake again!! LOL
ahpimommy I just saw your post. Are you available anytime in the near future? Looks like you have some big events going on!</p>

<p>she’s in hawaii now, but i am sure she will touch base with you when she gets back/gets a chance.</p>

<p>I am in Hawaii until 3/4…if you want to chat we can certainly arrange something. 5 hrs diff est , 4 cst and 2 pst. If you text me we can work something out. </p>

<p>No worries! I can text you…but I definitely don’t want to interrupt your vacation!</p>

<p>You aren’t interrupting… :). Happy to chat!</p>

<p>My number is 214-642-9597. Why don’t you text me when you are free!

<p>I had 2 with the stomach bug last night so I didn’t see your text until late! I’m subbing for a few hours today but I will try you when I’m free and see if it’s a good time! Thanks so much!</p>

<p>We are on our way to Hanalei Bay for the rest of the afternoon. I am not sure about cell service but I am
More than happy to chat if I have service.</p>