Sorority Recruitment

<p>I was wondering what my chances were for getting a bid at a top house during sorority recruitment at the University of Alabama. I grew up in north carolina but I moved to massachusettes my junior year. I have good rec letters and letters of support for all the houses but none of them went to alabama. I’m also a legacy at Phi Mu, my mother also didn’t go to alabama but was a member at another school. I have good extra-curriculars and volunteer activites, I was class president, worked at my church, camp counselor, teacher at a school for disabled children, worked at a musuem, played field hockey and piano, and other smaller things. I’m very friendly and outgoing and don’t get into trouble. The big problem is my GPA. I had bad grades during freshmen and sophmore year during junior year I turned it around and I’m going to graduate with a 3.2. I heard a 3.3 is what they are looking for. Do I still have a chance with all the houses or will I be limiting myself with my low GPA? I’m still going to rush regardless I just wanted an idea of what to exsepct.</p>

<p>Your grades will hurt you and you will most likely be cut by some houses after the first round due to your grades. However, you should be able to get a bid. The secret is to not be closed minded and look at all the sororities. Don’t listen to tent talk…ignore the Old Row VS New Row mentality…and remember that recruitment is a mutual selection process. All the sororities have pretty girls, smart girls, party girls, etc. All of them are “top tier” in some way. Good luck!</p>

<p>I would encourage you to keep an open mind when it comes to the sorority houses at Alabama. There are 17 NPC sororities on campus…16 will participate in Formal Recruitment. Each house has its own attributes and there really are no “bad” houses. With close to 268 girls in each house it is easy to find a core girls to be friends with.
If you are referring to “Old Row” houses as top houses I would say to not limit yourself to just certain houses but to be open to what each house has to offer. If you limit yourself you may find yourself disappointed on bid day.</p>

<p>I agree with Crimson217…don’t listen to tent talk.
Yes, recruitment is s mutual selection process. I always encourage girls to maximize their options.</p>

<p>As far as your GPA goes it might limit you when it comes to some houses. There are several that tend to gravitate towards high stats girls. That being said I know of girls in those houses who have GPA’s that are in the same range as yours. GPA is just one thing sororities look at. It is just part of what makes a great PNM. </p>

<p>Again…I would encourage you to consider each and every house. </p>

<p>Each girl that goes through recruitment will have resumes full of fantastic honors, awards, activities and philanthropies. There will be pageant girls, athletes, musicians, excellent students and many who held offices in student government. I have already seen over 100 resumes for this recruitment season and each and everyone is outstanding.</p>

<p>Alphimommy: and that is what scares me. My D is great but is she AMAZING? It’s hard to be amazing on paper at a 5A school. There are some but not my daughter - she’s a
“good smart athletic average kid”. Anyone that knows her says that sororities would be dumb not take her…but you know how competitive it can be… She has an open mind but she can’t help but hear about the “top” blah blah blah. The only thing I tell her is that she should lean to sororities with a higher GPA because if she doesn’t make her GPA she will lose her money and be back home!</p>

<p>if a girl maximizes her options at every step, she should end up with a bid. it may not be at the house she thought she wanted, but everyone always says girls really do end up in the house that is right for them whether they realize it at the time or not.</p>

<p>If you would all like to send me pics of your daughters (only 18 yrs of age or older please). I would be happy to tell you which sorority would be her best fit. I’ll need head, evening gown, and bikini shots to make the most accurate determinations. </p>

<p>No need to thank me. Just my way of giving back to the board.</p>

<p>^^^You are sooooooooooooooooooo incorrigible, lol.</p>

<p>No quick interview about her philanthropic interest? Disappointed…</p>

<p>Here’s what I said on another forum:
Seriously…you’re going to hear some horrible, hateful things if you listen to the gossip and believe that you’ll only accept “these five” or “those six” sororities. EVERY house…even the ones you’ll hear are “the worst”…EVERY house has outstanding, beautiful women. EVERY house also has some…challenges.
Look for the bad, and you’ll find it.
Look for the good, and you’ll find it.
The best thing you can do is look for a place where you feel comfortable and welcomed.

<p>I’m not trying to be stereotypical or controversial, but I am really concerned about getting a bid next year because of my appearance. I’m not horrendous looking, but I am overweight. Looking at the pictures of the different sororities’ bid days I saw only slim girls. I have a really good resume and scholastic background as well as a reference letter for each sorority. I’m not picky about which house I get a bid in AT ALL. Do I have a chance at getting into any sorority?</p>

<p>Work on losing some weight this summer and toning up. Pay strict attention to your grooming - hair, nails, toenails. Choose your recruitment wardrobe very carefully. You need to present yourself as highly groomed and elegant.
Work on your conversation skills. The first thing sororities look at is GRADES. Take a course or two at the local junior college to bring up your grades, if necessary. Yes, your weight is part of a total package, but buff that package as much as possible!</p>

<p>Remember that sororities are only ONE thing to do at Alabama. Yes, 30% of students are Greek…remember that 70% are NOT Greek. There are LOTS of things you can get involved in besides sororities. All kinds of clubs and interest groups, some active, some not so active. </p>

<p>Right before classes being there will be a big “Get On Board” Day, with various groups manning a table, tell what they do and signing up new members. <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt; Go. Even if you do pledge a sorority, go and explore!</p>