Sorority Recruitment

<p>Does anyone want to share what the sorority recruitment experience looks like at TCU?<br>
Any words of wisdom or advice for the girls going through rush?
What type of time committment is involved once you are in a sorority?</p>

<p>D’s rush experience was very stressful, but also very fun and exciting. The stress came from the fast pace, the uncertainty of how each day went until envelopes were opened the next morning and the general fear of things that are new and unknown, all combined with being several hours away from home. She and her roommate both would call home every night and spill their thoughts on everything that had happened that day. It was good to hear, but also hard because we wouldn’t know anything until the next night when they called home again. I think it’s great that cellphones are not permitted during the day, as the girls do not need the added pressure of having mom or big sis in on the process as it unfolds. Both D and her roommate received a bid from the sorority each felt most comfortable with, but both she and her roommate later said they would have been happy with any of the 3 sororities they visited for preference round. Please don’t let your daughter get caught up in the drama that a few sororities are “better” than others, because my daughter has wonderful friends in at least 6 or 7 different ones, plus several friends that chose not to rush. Even though she and her roommate pledged different sororities, they are still very close and plan to live together again when they move off campus their junior year.</p>

<p>PM me if you have specific questions about the process or if you don’t know about the bid day baskets that a lot of moms order.</p>

<p>Can anyone tell me how racially diverse the sororities are? I know TCU is not the most diverse campus in the world, but would a mostly white sorority have members of color?</p>

<p>I don’t know that any parents would have an answer for you. I think the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life would be the best place to get an answer to your question. The phone number listed on the website is (817) 257-7281. A current sorority member could probably give you a good assessment, but I’m not sure how many are on CC right now since they are getting ready for recruitment. D leaves this Sunday, and move-in day for all the current members is Wednesday.</p>

<p>Southern Fried Mom - would you mind expanding about bid day baskets? I’m new to this and would like to make this a wonderful experience for D. Also - does anyone how many girls (approximately) each house selects?</p>

<p>Baseball, PM me with your email address and I will give you the details. It’s not too late, but you definitely need to get it ordered tomorrow.</p>

<p>I’ve been here a year and some sororities are more diverse than others. I can say that this year, I see more diversity with PNMs!</p>

How can we order a bid day basket before we know what house our DD is pledging? We won’t know until after 4 tomorrow? Do you know something we don’t???</p>

<p>Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!</p>

<p>PM me your email address and I will explain.</p>

<p>My daughter and husband are flying to TCU for a visit on Monday. Is sorority/fraternity life mentioned in the tour? I would really like for her to hear all of her options and a little about rush. I am so sad I can’t be with them this trip. Anything I should encourage them to do? </p>

<p>Any info would be greatly appreciated.</p>

<p>D is a Student Foundation member (tour guide) and Greek recruitment is not discussed much on the tour. I recommend registering for fall rush (I think the app becomes available around June 1) and also register with your local Panhellenic group. A lot of the local groups will have a workshop to discuss the recruitment process and give tips about recs, wardrobe, etc. Pretty soon most of the TCU sororities will have current info on their websites or FB page, so your daughter can start getting familiar with the 12 TCU sororities. The Greek Life office at TCU really works hard to make recruitment a good experience for everyone.</p>

<p>Thanks so much SFM. My daughter is a junior and is still making her initial college visits. We are from Virginia and TCU has sent her a lot of information over the last year so she wanted to go and see what it is really like. It is the first of our three visits next week. I appreciate the information about looking for our local Panhellenic group and I am also going to look on FB to see if my sorority has a chapter at TCU. May I ask what other schools your daughter visited before she made her decision?</p>

<p>Thanks again!</p>

<p>VolleyVa, I sent you a private message. Too much info to share here!</p>

<p>Volleyva - How did your daughter like TCU? I can’t say enough good things about it! Small class sizes, close-knit community, lots of hands on opportunities, big time sports and spirit.</p>

<p>Thanks for asking…she absolutely loved it! She and my husband both liked the size of the beautiful campus, the research possibilities, and the friendly students. She was able to meet her admissions counselor and it would be a perfect fit for her intended major. My only worry is that it is so far away. We looked at Wake Forest later in the week and although she liked it too, she has talked non-stop about TCU. :slight_smile: She is only a junior, but will definitely apply early in the fall. What year is your student?</p>

<p>Volleya- I completely understand about distance worries. We are from the west coast and my D is just finishing up her Freshman year at TCU. She absolutely LOVES her school. Enjoys meeting others from all around the country too. Distance is far out shadowed by the amazing (her word) Freshman experience she is having.</p>

<p>Thanks so much twodown12go! I hope you dont mind if I ask a few questions. :slight_smile: Did your daughter take a car or does she plan to have a car as an upperclassman? If she went through sorority recruitment, did she feel it was more difficult not being from Texas?</p>

<p>Thanks again.</p>

<p>My D did not take a car as a Freshman and it worked out just fine. Fortunately her roommate had a car which helps a great deal but even if this was not the case, so many Texas students bring their cars that there are many rides to go around. I actually think its best NOT to have a car starting out as this relieved her of unnecessary burdens (parking hassles etc) during a very busy year. Hope to delay letting her bring a car until Junior year actually. On the topic of Sororities, in hind sight I would say I didn’t realize how important recommendations are. Not sure if in the end it makes a difference but we found those Southern girls all seemed well prepared with many of them!<br>

<p>(Please ignore last word of my prior post)</p>

<p>Thanks so much for the info. Now for the application process… :slight_smile: If she is fortunate enough to be accepted, we will be sure to get recommendations. Thank goodness I have a dear friend from Dallas who can guide us through the process.</p>