Sorority rush chances? Is Greek life worth it?

hey! I am going to be a freshman at bama next year and I am considering rushing, but I want to know everyone’s honest opinion on it (since I will have to pay for most of it myself). I have conflicted feelings on Greek life, but my roommate and everyone else that I know attending bama is rushing and I definitely do not want to have any regrets regarding my decision. Also, I want to know what everyone’s thoughts are on my chances of receiving a bid. I am actually originally from Tuscaloosa, but I have lived in Virginia most of my life, so I’m not really sure if that counts for anything and I am a legacy of the college, but not at any sororities. I know about 3-4 people who have offered to give me letters of rec and I have a 3.5 GPA and a 24 ACT. Any tips that you have would be appreciated :slight_smile:

Your GPA will qualify you. Just make sure you have the means to pay for 4 years of dues which average about $7000 per year. Letters of recommendation are very important but living where you do, you should have no problem networking and getting at least one for each sorority. Sorority life is not for everyone. Just know that if you chose not to rush there are so many other opportunities to get involved but you will need to make the effort. Good luck to you :slight_smile:

If you decide that you will accept bids from only certain sororities on campus, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. Keep an open mind and don’t listen to the “tent talk.” ALL the sororities at UA have outstanding leaders…and a few who manage to make a .01. And every type of member in between. You’ll have similar experiences in any of the 18 sororities. Frankly, a 3.5 is on the line - some of the chapters are looking for even higher, but a lot depends on who you know and your other attributes and accomplishments. Recs are VERY important at Alabama. Some will swear they had none and got their first choice sorority - but rest assured, someone somewhere wrote them a rec, even if they weren’t aware of it at the time. It’s not unusual for sophomores to go through recruitment, so if you want to wait a year, that’s a possibility, too. Good luck! Roll Tide!