Sorry for another essay topic. Can anyone help me? Am i going about this right?

<p>The essay or statement i am asked to write is as follors</p>

<p>State why you wish to leave your present college and attend Virginia Tech.</p>

<p>Ok, how would i go about this essay. I know its very straightforward but it seems like it would be easy to answer it in a wrong way. </p>

<p>(this isnt the essay btw, just my thoughts)
The reason i want to go to virginia tech is because i want to go to a good school that is respected for its strong engineerign program. I never visited tech, but i have one friend who goes tehre and likes it. My current college is UCF, and i really do not plan to stay here longer than the rest of this school year. The students have no interest in studying, the engineering itself and its curriculum here is not as high as i wished. I want to go to the best school i can because i want more opportunity. Virginia tech also has oceanographic engineering, which is similar to my major which is aerospace and i want to study both lol. </p>

<p>I guess to sum it up. Virginia tech is a really good school, and i am sure that the students have more ambition to study and work. My college is not the righ tplace for me.</p>

<p>I guess in my essay should i talk more about virginia tech? like say they are good etc and thats why i want to go? I dont want to say "i am sure that students are more likeminded to me" or something because i havent been there before. I also dont think its good to say my college sucks and the people are stupid or anything either. </p>

<p>Can anyone help me? it is appreciated, thank you.</p>

<p>i'll let you in on a secret: most kids at VT dont have ambition to work...most engineering kids do, but beyond that, its a joke school (business/marketing is good too, but comeon)...also, you'll never take another elective again, and the few "electives" you do get (theres certain criteria the class has to meet) are mainly math/science, and thats all you'll take. no humanities, no classes taken because you WANT to take actually trying to transfer to UVA's e-school for those two reasons</p>