What would be your order be in terms of difficulty? Also, which major is not in demand as of right now?
Absolutely mint chocolate chip. Hands down the best.
No, cookie dough ice cream is better.
Duh…Karamel Sutra Core! Go Ben! Go Jerry!
I have a confession to make… X_X
It has to be Ben & Jerry’s **Phish Food/b. Such gooey goodness…
My wife is a big fan of Phish Food, but she also enjoys eating cottage cheese, so draw your own conclusions.
One of these days I will convince @MaineLonghorn to let me write a stickied/pinned thread titled “Why is my thread being derailed by talk of ice cream?”
Wonder what OP is thinking right now. Also gotta say that cookie dough tastes pretty good.
Hopefully OP has caught on to our usually “it depends on the person” engineering / ice cream analogy fun. (It also can vary somewhat by the school / ice cream parlor )
The hardest one is the one you dislike the most.
Personally, I can’t eat phish food ice cream to save my life.