Hello! I am admitted to these two universities and have a really hard time to choose one. I am applying for the master program. MS in Umass. MPH in Buffalo. Tuition and fees won’t be a problem to me. I’d like to find a job after my graduation. Which one seems good to you? Or any advice?
I’ve checked the website, ranking for like many times but still couldn’t make a decision. Buffalo seems to have a higher major rank and more professors in Department of Biostatistics. Umass has 9 professors and somehow I couldn’t find the major rank; however, the faculty all graduate from really good colleges like Harvard and UW.
I need to make the decision during this weekend. Please help me out! Thanks a lot.
BTW, Umass Amherst vs. SUNY Buffalo!
Are you in-state or out-state? UB will be much cheaper
I haven’t specifically looked for your major, but off the top of my head, I do believe SUNY Buffalo has pretty strong bio-related programs, and probably a bit more depth / research than UMass for your discipline. UMass is probably solid as well for biostatistics, but I think Buffalo would win out.
You should consider that sometimes, different schools list what is essentially the same discipline under different names. Not only is this confusing for prospective students, but it also messes up rankings, which are already a bit suspect. If you can visit and get a feel for the departments, that can also be helpful. I don’t think either would be deficient, so you might choose on cost and fit.
Thanks for the reply I am OOC anyway. Cost is not really an issue here. I’d like to know that which school would win out when it comes to placement of graduates. Umass or UB? Do you know which school has a better reputation in finding a job? I know my self. I am not a research material or a doc material so I am more interested in finding a job in the field though.
UB has a wonderful Math department and biology department. since your major is biostats
Thanks for the reply. But I am not really interested in research and definitely not going to get a doctor degree as long as it’s not so necessary. I plan to find a job in the field after my graduation so which one do you think would be a better choice for me now? I am not sure but my friends tell me that UMass has a better reputation than UB when it comes to employment. Do you still think UB will win out and match my future plan?
I’m not sure where you are going! No doctor, nor research. what are you planning to do with the major? I need more details.
As a matter of fact, I am changing my major now. I didn’t get a chance to change my major during my BS study(Many complex reasons :/). What to say? Few jobs meet an average salary(Not kidding, hard to find a job+low salary). I really liked Biostatistics after taking some classes related to Biostatistics in this semester. So I applied for MS in it. Of course I will do some research during my graduate study. But I am not going towards the Faculty or Doctor direction. I hope after two years of study, I could find some normal jobs like Biostatistician/SAS programmers in pharmaceutical companies ! :>
I went through the Department website for many times, too. I know that UB is a better place to focus on research and I would have a better chance to continue doctoral study. But is it difficult to find an internship or a job? I hate to say that, but the location makes me struggle a lot 
I’ll go against the current here!
I have lived in both MA and Buffalo, among other places in the US. Buffalo was, by far, the saddest place I have ever lived. I hated it. It felt, to me, like the vast majority of people I met wanted desperately to escape upstate NY. This is, of course, only my opinion, and it’s probably biased, because I hated Buffalo too. Also…major props to anybody who can handle that kind of winter without crumpling into the fetal position every time it snows!
Amherst, while not a bustling city, is, in my humble opinion, a happier place, and a great place to be a college student. Remember that you have the resources of the consortium. Umass is a great school, and is steadily climbing up the ranks. It’s not “zoomass slamherst” any more (although there are certainly parties available to you, if you want that). Umass’ academics are very good, and will set you up well for a job, if you do well.
Thank you for the reply. The weather in Buffalo is one of the reasons that makes it so hard to choose. I have to admit I am a terrible driver. Considering I need to drive in such a winter, I totally freak out.
Still feel like UB beats out Umass. True, winters are not the best, but you do get a winter break that takes away a chunk of the winter there. And I don’t agree with qwerty, I’ve met lots of people from Buffalo and they have said a lot of great things about it.