SOS McGill Physics 142 Tutorial/Lab Conflict

<p>For some reasons I cna only get into Tutorial and Lab when I choose them on the same day and same time...else I can't register these two courses if I am to put them into two different weird....and in the Personal Weekly Schedule it shows there is a conflict.....</p>

<p>Anothe prob, the schedule shows Course in Conflict: Econ 219
yet Econ 219 is in the schedule .... is that a prob in minerva??? </p>


<p>you have to have tutorial and lab on the same day and time because they alternate weeks - one week you have a lab at that time, the next you have tutorial.</p>

<p>Wait, is that always the case? I'm in 101, and I don't think they alternate weeks...Where is the indication for alternating weeks?</p>

<p>the alternating weeks thing might be only for 131 and 142, i think it specified that it alternates on minerva where you are registering for a lab section. unless it specifically says for 101 that it alternates, it probably doesn't.</p>