South Carolina International Business Alum or Current Student

I am very sorry because I know this type of thread has been posted before, but I really want to talk to someone who has been in the program or actually knows something about the program, rather than an outsider. The honors college and international business program are of extreme interest for me. I would really consider turning down a top business school like Michigan for this experience. I want to study Chinese and Spanish with an international business degree. I am also curious if anyone who has majored in IB recommends double majoring. Basically I am looking for any student at USC who could help me finding information about this program. What kind of opportunities it opens up and if it is worth it in the end. Please help, I have been searching for an answer to this question in the forums for a while now, but I have never seen an actual strong and reliable source. Thank you</p>

<p>bump bump bump</p>