Southern Connecticut State University Nursing Program

I am currently a senior in a CT high school and I want to pursue a BSN. Southern is currently the best option for me price-wise, but I haven’t heard much about their nursing program. Is anyone currently in the program or has heard anything pros and cons about it? I’d also appreciate any info on their honors college. Are you able to do that with nursing?

@Van214 I’m sorry, I am not able to give any info about S CT State. But also try posting on the Class of 2024 Nursing Admissions forum. There are a lot of parents / students on that forum specifically looking at Nursing schools and someone there may know about this school.

You might also be able to look thru the forum to see if there are any other college options that you haven’t thought about. You might be surprised what scholarships you could get from other schools as well that would make it affordable for you. Just watch your timelines really closely as a lot of the nursing schools have due dates earlier than the normal reg decision dates. Good luck.

I agree with @arkymommy – I do know that Southern CT is NOT a direct entry program which was something that my daughter really wanted. She got a very nice merit package from York College and is very happy there right now.