<p>With so many people from all over, especially the north, does UVA still have a real southern atmosphere?</p>
<p>The “real Charlottesville” does (i.e. not the Corner), if you ride the CTS buses. And maybe a frat or so, but I don’t know about that. A lot of the intellectual debating societies, APDA, Washington Society, Jefferson Society, etc. take “chill” to be a quality of Southern debating societies, and actually taking dressing up for a debate to be a quality of Them Northern Schools. My Weather and Atmosphere professor, who speaks with a Spanish accent (moles off photuns!), apparently loves to do conduct his research in Western and Southern Virginia.</p>
<p>What is your definition of “real southern atmosphere”?</p>
<p>I think your opinion really depends on your background. University towns tend to attract an eclectic mix of people, so you can find a little bit of everything here. </p>
<p>I personally think the Downtown area is much more “northern” in that there are people who live, work, and socialize right in the downtown. “Carless commuting” seems a bit more prevalent up north.</p>
<p>In terms of the student body, I’ve been there a few times and as a pretty big school, there are of course people from all over. But in general, I got no southern vibe. I do, however, notice the preppiness of lots of kids… I don’t know. I agree that this all depends on your definition of “southern”</p>
<p>Here’s a definition of a “Southern” campus feel from a Southerner:</p>
<p>Politically conservative
Heightened religious emphasis
Relatively lesser diversity and a greater tendency toward racial self-cloistering
Heightened emphasis on class consciousness
Tendency to speak, smile, acknowledge others on campus when passing
Greater sense of “preppy” style</p>
I can list schools all over the country that fit those. </p>
<p>The importance of Greek orgs could be a southern characteristic, but there are state schools in the mid-west where Greek life is dominant in the social scene. </p>
<p>Perhaps we are looking for a reverence for SEC football, which we definitely don’t have. :)</p>
<p>In my opinion it’s not really southern. People don’t smile and acknowledge a lot, although it’s friendlier than Northern campuses. It’s probably closer to being in between the two</p>
<p>How Southern is Nova CC anyway?</p>
<p>How big is Charlottesville? Are there a lot of things to do?</p>
<p>There’s plenty to do in Cville, which is considered a small city. The Weekend Topics series on the admission blog has a lot of information about things to do around town. I generally talk about sports, food, and music, but have also covered shopping, transportation, and weather. </p>
<p><a href=“http://uvaapplication.blogspot.com/search/label/Weekend%20Topics[/url]”>http://uvaapplication.blogspot.com/search/label/Weekend%20Topics</a></p>
<p>(If that link doesn’t work in your browser, copy and paste it, but replace the “%20” at the end with a space.)</p>
<p>ok, great. I got offered a summer internship at UVA, and I’m just a little concerned about the location. College campuses tend to be a little deserted during the summer, but UVA being a big school, I’m hoping there will be a lot of people and things to do.</p>
<p>Sounds like gadad is looking for KKK University!! Racial self-cloistering??? You mean segregation?? oy!!</p>