<p>hey wat do you guys know about these two schools....im a californian, is it hard out of state to get in also??</p>
<p>SMU is in Dallas- nice campus in a suburban area. It is bigger than Southwestern. Southwestern is in a small town north of Austin. There is easy access to Austin, which is the greatest place on earth. Southwestern is more selective. SMU is more "preppy". There are some strong programs at SMU, but it attracts a lot of frat/sorority types. Southwestern is a liberal arts college, SMU is a university. Hope this helps.</p>
<p>Both schools are private, so being out-of-state can be a plus (they might put a little more weight on geographic diversity). Southwestern is excellent for pre-med studies and is also strong in communications. Most of the dorms have been built/renovated in the last 10 years. It's a pretty campus with an excellent reputation.</p>
<p>Southwestern is an excellent school but only about 10% of its students are non-Texans. SMU has a higher proportion of out of state residents. </p>
<p>If you're looking at those two, you might also take a look at Trinity U in San Antonio as a third option in Texas. Trinity is actively recruiting out of state students these days and is a fine smaller school in a great location. I'd put its selectivity in between Southwestern and SMU. With 2500 students, Trinity is also a bit larger than Southwestern, but smaller than SMU. I think out of state population at Trinity is about 30% currently.</p>
<p>Another Texan school to check out is Austin College - a smaller LAC like Southwestern.</p>
<p>Im reading this book called Pledged right now on the secret life of southern sororities and there are some crazy stories about the sororities at SMU.....wat do you guys know about the SMU Greek Life??</p>
<p>also, out of SOuthwestern, SMU, Austin College, Trinity U, which is the best academically??</p>
<p>also what abouat baylor??</p>
<p>Badabing, I'd say Southwestern is probably the best academically, followed VERY closely by Trinity (each has some particular strengths that the other doesn't). Then I'd probably go with Austin and SMU. </p>
<p>Baylor is a good school but extremely conservative and not for those bothered by religious atmosphere. I'd probably rank it with Austin and SMU in terms of academics.</p>