<p>Elon is a pretty good fit. ~4600 students. Easier to get into than Wake. 4 year coed. Beautiful campus and climate. Well known musical theatre program. Club lacross (plays other colleges). Great individual attention, profs teach all the courses, as the grad school only covers a couple of areas (business,occupational therapy, and next year law)</p>
<p>Thanks so far...bump....got into Auburn....atleast I have somewhere to go haha...</p>
<p>If it's Lacrosse in Dixie, I say take a look at Washington & Lee University. Be mindful that it is a high quality college but culturally is is highly conservative. Mostly southern aristocratic or wannabe aristocrats and a dominant Greek fraternity scene. In any event, the caliber of the students is high. </p>
<p>First of all the OP is looking for a bit larger school - 4000+ - W&L is about 1700 strong - including the law school.</p>
<p>and Secondly - you obviously have NO clue about W&L as far as the student population and their diverse geographical backgrounds.</p>
<p>bumppp </p>
<p>oh, and washington and lee is nice, real nice...but it's the same size as my high school...and i know everybody in my high school, their mom's maiden name, and their pet's name....sooo yeah...</p>
<p>-my 2 cents</p>
<p>Another vote for Furman - how about Trinity University in TX - 2500 students, club lacrosse, great location in San Antonio.</p>
<p>We looked hard at these schools for my daughter - there are not very many colleges in that middle ground - "Duke-sized" - that aren't either very competitive, or very non-selective, like second tier/3rd tier state schools. You may have to look at your criteria if WF and Vandy fall through, and decide what is most important. You should have a good chance at some of hte smaller schools, they are often looking for guys, you just have to decide how small is too small.</p>
<p>Look at SMU, Furman and Elon.</p>
<p>Duke seems to fit what you want. An over fifty-year tradition of having an outstanding political science program (both undergraduate and graduate). Going North---definitely, no question about it...The University of Chicago.</p>
<p>Wofford...yes, yes, yes!!!</p>
<p>Wofford a very definite yes! Sewanee also. Elon? No, no, no. I apologetically have to say that people outside of North Carolina would just laugh at you (and, no doubt, so would many in North Carolina). for your own good, steer clear of that place.</p>
<p>sewanee's an awesome school. however it might be a little small for you and the whole suit and tie to class to thing. if your considering it, i can help u a little, my uncle was lines coach for their football team for a time.</p>