<p>Okay so I know that a lot of kids from Northern VA apply to Georgetown, but will being from southeastern virginia help me?</p>
<p>i don't think it would help you greatly</p>
<p>i don't think they pay particular attention to specific regions in a state unless the regions are completely different (like a big city vs middle of nowhere) within a state.</p>
<p>agentbauer, you obviously dont know a thing about virginia lol. southern virginia IS basicallly middle of nowhere, farms, the whole bundle. northen virginia is a completely different world. seriously...</p>
<p>hahahaha ok now thats a bit of a misnomer. SoutherWESTERN virginia is farms and middle of nowhere. southeastern virginia = norfolk/virginia beach area is much more urban. im from that area. its still not northern va, but virginia beach has only 100,000 people less than DC.</p>
<p>virginia beach is most certainly not the middle of no where! :)</p>
<p>sorry yea,i didnt make myself clear, know the beach area is pretty populated lol. but we can all agree that southwestern va IS the middle of nowhere</p>