Spanish 231 or 232?

<p>I'm an incoming freshman and I tested into Spanish 231 but I want to be done with my language requirement so I'm thinking about jumping up to 232. I hadn't taken Spanish since Junior year so I knew nothing on the placement test but I started reviewing my Spanish on and will be reviewing over the rest of the summer. I heard the classes are similar and my first semester is relatively easier from what I've heard (Math 115, Polsci 160, and Bio 171). I was wondering if anyone had an experience with the classes and could give an opinion? </p>


<p>You cannot take Spanish 232 without having taken Spanish 231 before. You can only take it if you tested into 232 after the placement exam. Math 115 isn’t as easy as you think, especially here at Michigan where inexperienced GSIs teach the class most of the time. I’m not sure about Polsci 160 but Bio 171 isn’t bad as long as you put your work in and don’t get behind, since there are a lot of memorization required for the class. </p>