I took AP Spanish Language and Culture last year and received a 4 the test. Currently, I’m taking AP Spanish Literature, but I’m debating whether I should take the test. UIUC is my top choice and they give the same course placement for both the Spanish Language and Spanish Literature test (Spanish 202, 208, or 228 for a total of 10 hours for a score of a 4 or 5). I called admissions to ask if I should take it, and a counselor told me I would receive the same class placement for both tests. But, she told me if I were to score a 4, I would receive 10 additional credit hour even though she recommends not taking the Literature test. Now, I’m confused about UIUC’s AP credit policy regarding these tests. Does anyone have an insights? (https://admissions.illinois.edu/Apply/Freshman/college-credit-AP)
Spanish Lang and Lit give the exact same course credit and placement with the same scores required. So there’s no point for you to take Lit after scoring a 4 in Lang.
That’s what I though until the counselor told me I would get ten ADDITIONAL credit hours?
No, you can’t duplicate AP credits. For example, if you got 4s in both AP English Lang and Lit, you only get the 4 hours of credit, not 8.
Thank you for your response!