Spanish III vs. AP Economics

<p>Hey there! I'm a freshman in high school (I know, I know, you all disapprove) and I am trying to figure out what classes I should take as a sophomore and beyond. My school is on the block schedule, so I get 8 classes each semester. I already know I am taking:</p>

<p>*Honors Lit
*Honors Chemistry
*AP World History
*AP Statistics
*Latin II
*Math 3/MAYBE Accelerated Math 3 (weird math system. supposedly equivalent to algebra II/precalculus but no one really understands how it works.)
*Journalism II (1 semester)</p>

<p>Now comes the tricky part. I wanted very badly to be in AP Government and Politics, but due to issues with the juniors and seniors, that class is unavailable. The AP Coordinator has instead offered me AP Economics. I REALLY want to take 3 APs as a sophomore, so I can take all of the APs I want without taking more than 4 a year, in order to preserve time for sleep/debate/running/newspaper. </p>

<p>However, if I choose not to take AP Economics I can take Spanish III. If I take Spanish III as a sophomore, my schedule Junior year would include APUSH, APSpanish, APBio, APEcon, and probably one semester of APGov, unless I delayed that until Senior year. Seems sort of imbalanced, right? But then again, if I choose not to take Spanish III this year I may never get AP Spanish.</p>

<p>So what would you guys do? The tradeoff is basically: AP Econ as a sophomore, for a more balanced schedule but less foreign language, vs. Spanish III as a sophomore for a less balanced schedule but ultimately one more AP. In addition, Spanish would complement my volunteer project as a tutor at an afterschool program for immigrant children, most of whom are from Spanish-speaking countries. Also, how difficult is APEcon to manage? How hard is AP Spanish? Any advice would be very much appreciated!!</p>