Sparknotes for SAT IIs

<p>How useful do you think Sparknotes is to prepare for the SAT Subject tests? Specifically in the maths and sciences...</p>

<p>I'm short on time, so I don't think it's realistic for me to try to go through prep books this week. This Saturday will be my first and only time to take the subject tests (I'm a senior), so I'm not sure what to expect. :( Do you think reading the sparknotes prep material will be worth the time?</p>


<p>I am in the same spot as you. I thought the SAT IIs would be easy, but I took a few practice tests and realized my confidence is way misplaced.</p>

<p>I am taking the Math II and Chemistry this saturday, and my practice scores were absolutely horrible. I think you should definitely not underestimate the tests. For example, I got an 800 on the Math section of the SAT I, but I couldn’t get through half of the questions on the Math II in an hour. Yikes!!!</p>

<p>I say practice practice practice. (I know, how cliche) Personally, I am a little nervous for the tests. I am going to spend wayyy to much time on practice tests the next few days.</p>

<p>^yeah I’m really nervous now. :X</p>

<p>Has anyone used sparknotes for prep? How was it, and how did you do?</p>

<p>I used Sparknotes extensively.</p>

<p>My scores for Chemistry were all under 700 (600, 620, 680) and I got an 800 on the real thing. </p>

<p>Physics: Around 730 on SN, 800 Real thing.</p>

<p>Math II: 780 SN, 780 Real Thing</p>

<p>Sparknotes scores:
Math II: 720-780
Chemistry: 620-720
Us History: 630-710</p>

<p>SAT Scores:
Math II: 800
Chem: 750
US History: 720</p>

<p>I obviously was prepared well by those tests and the study guides :)</p>

<p>Thank you for the replies guys! Yayy you guys give me hope x]</p>

<p>actually, these are people who studied harder when they realized how badly sparknotes was doing things to them the nature of which i believe it would be inappropriate to mention… so yeah, the reason sparknotes improves your scores is that it scares you ****less into studying</p>

<p>giving mine on saturday btw… also a senior. chem phy bio =P</p>

<p>GOD i’m screwed!</p>

<p>^^^ Was wondering the same…
So whaT scores are you guys getting on sparknotes tests?</p>

<p>Im totally screwed… 700 Phys, 730 Chem!</p>