Spatial Visualization Test - Due May 28

<p>So anyone took this test yet. I just took it and it was surprisingly difficult especially the questions towards the end. Plus, the 20 minutes they gave us for 30 question was very, very less in my opinion. Plus, I hated the software. I literally skipped 3 questions and at the end I was supposed to answer those three. I had 1 minute and couldn't directly click on those questions. So, time was over and I had to submit them blank :( So, I got 21/30 (with 3 questions left blank). Should I be worried? How much do VT engineering students score on this normally? They said people who score below 18 would automatically be placed in this 1 credit class. I am glad I am not required to take it now but sorta sad that I only got 21 points. What did you all get and what do people usually get on this?</p>

<p>Oh yeah, I had to randomly guess on the last 3 questions as well because time was running out. So, I guess of the ones I legitimately attempted, I got 2 wrongs or so. But, still 21/30 is getting me worried. I didn’t expect the test to be such a brain-teaser. My brain actually hurts now.</p>

<p>Does this test indicate success at VT for CS? I feel like it is completely irrelevant.</p>

<p>Well you passed so don’t worry about it. Some engineer students will get 30 out of 30 with minimal effort. Some may score lower but still do very well as engineers. The test doesn’t have much relevance for CS but you are currently in General Engineering so they want to make sure you can visualize things in 3D. Perhaps if you were programming a 3D engine it might be useful but I’m not sure.</p>