<p>I plan to dorm in the Warren Towers… I noticed that there are specialty floors. </p>
<p>Core Curriculum - 11B and 12B (Marshall Tower) caught my eye… since I do want to enroll in the Core.</p>
<p>What are the differences between a specialty floor and a regular floor?</p>
<p>What are the pros and cons of living in a specialty floor?</p>
<p>no difference what-so-ever, you'll just be living with some other people taking the core curriculum...b-tower is kinda gross though, c is most clean & quietest, a is the party tower (from my experiences 2 years ago)</p>
<p>no pros b/c almost half the student body takes core, no cons because its the same as everywhere else</p>
<p>i would more-so check out the single sex vs co-ed floors on what you like better...and will you be a freshman? because if so, you won't pick where you live, u just write down your preferences and they place you wherever they can fit you</p>
<p>Oh, I see.</p>
<p>Why is B gross? D: I heard A has the best view lol.</p>
<p>Specialty floors' RAs are also required to do events and host faculty related to the specialty. </p>
<p>Living with the same people with whom you go to class can be a pro or a con depending on how you feel about those people.</p>
<p>hahaha to be perfectly honest i dont know if the tower separations are still the same, but my freshman year i had a friend in b tower who managed to swap into myles because he was unhappy with its quality</p>
<p>and BUBailey is right about the floor events. though that doesn't have to matter as, 75% of the time, no one goes to the floor events (unless its a really good, fun event)</p>
<p>Can we request a certain tower... or is it just "Warren Towers" on the paper thing? :x</p>
<p>you can only request warren towers, not a specific tower
but honestly, i wouldnt worry about it, because you can hang out wherever you want, your room is only where u sleep
my freshman year, i lived on 18c (all girls) and i was ALWAYS with my friends in a tower, and i actually liked it better that way because when i needed to study, i stayed on 18 and wasnt distracted, and when i wanted to hang out with my friends, i just went to a tower</p>
<p>Pros of living on a specialty floor is that you can study and do your homework together, which is cool. Cons would be less diversity in the people you’re meeting academically.</p>
<p>i currently live on 11c which is the co-ed COM specialty floor and i absolutely love it. Living in a specialty floor gives everyone something in common which automatically makes you bond faster. There is never a quiet night on our floor. Everyone’s door is constantly open and there are no such thing as quiet hours… I think we actually made a floor decision to change the quiet hours on weekends from 3 am - 11 am instead of from 8 pm to 8 am. if anyone has any questions about living on a specialty floor, please ask. but just know i would DEFINITELY recommend it.</p>