Specific Question about the Application Process

Hello Everyone!

I was working on my Gateway Application form today and was curious on what was allowed in the Multimedia Information section. I wanted to add an online compiled (portfolio) of some sort that highlighted all my awards, projects and writing pages. Is that okay? Would you recommend it as well?

Thank You!

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I would… it helped DS. Just follow the directions. Good luck!

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@drprimo Can you give us some insights on how to go about it? thank you

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As long as your work reflects similar subject matter and is answering the question it should be fine. For instance, a link to multiple dance videos or a compilation of art awards and art pieces. I think some people try and include a large volume of unrelated work product and that would not be a good choice. Or


What if I wanted to upload some coding projects and math games I’ve made, do I have to upload them one separate portfolios or can I compile them into one?

I think material that is thematically similar or linked can be combined.

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ah… examples. DS had a portfolio website where he posted his various activities… pictures of him doing athletics, lists of his accomplishments, writing, art, coding projects, etc. Screenshots mostly of math and science problem sets he did that were 3-4 grade levels above his grade (to show his prowess), screenshots of his code, pics of humanities projects, video snippets of games… whatever. It showed who he was and captured his personality (I thought). If your kiddo is focused on 1-2 activities, just post that. DS didn’t go back far… like 2-3 years. And if I remember correctly most schools in their application (beyond Gateway) have places to post art, writing, sports videos, acting videos, etc. There’s plenty of opportunity to let them know everything about your kiddo. But I would get it in some kind of chronological order: new-old. so that the admissions folks can see growth and proof that your kid can actually do what they claim they can do. It doesn’t have to be fancy, just understandable. You have plenty of time to get this together so don’t rush!

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Thank you very much


Thank You!