Specific Stanford Race Question

Ok, I am exactly 50% white and 50% Indian, the two most impacted races for most top tier colleges. For Stanford in particular, there are 36% white and 21% Asian undergraduate students. However, there are only 10% mixed race undergraduate students.

Although there is no consensus on how much race impacts one’s application, generally most people agree that it plays some role. Most would also agree that asian applications generally boast higher test scores and GPA. Knowing all of this, would it be a better decision to list myself as white or mixed (having to specify both white and Asian). Although mixed race is a smaller percentage, I am worried they will simply categorize my race as Asian, white becoming a nonfactor. And it is my understanding that it would make my chances of admission worse to be classified as “Asian” rather than “White,” but better if I was classified as “Mixed” as opposed to “White.” Should I take the risk? Is there any place I can go to find out what they would classify me as if I listed this?

Also note that I primarily identify as purely American and not Indian, although I have enough cultural background and memories to where referring to myself as both “White” and “Indian” would not feel like lying in any way.

Lol, if you saw 61% are from public hs and 25% are from private, would you think that meant private hs kids are at a disadvantage?

Imo, don’t miss the chance to show your appreciation for your full identity. Among other things, top colleges tend to like kids who like themselves and others. And be certain you understand all of what S or any tippy top looks for. It’s not just stats, AP count, titles, and some race question. Your choice.