Spending Money & CC

<p>Helping a student (not my kid) -- </p>

<p>Student wants to apply, parents aren't sure due to travel cost to school and tuition.</p>

<p>Outside of the tuition/merit/FA stuff, the prospie has heard many kids go skiing/snowboarding on weekends. Is this true? How much spending money do CC students go through?</p>

<p>I know CC has mini-trips and activities between classes -- How much is this stuff? Are the between class things part of COA for FA calculated by the school?</p>

<p>This kid decided to NOT apply to a school in our region due to weekend spending habits of students there, so this is a really focused issue for the kid.</p>

<p>I am from midwest…only go home on tgiving, xmas and spring break…a season pass for skiing is $300…they have buses students can take to mtns that are CHEAP but most kids eventually car pool and it is cheap too. I survive pretty well on $1200 a semester give or take a couple of hundred.</p>

<p>What do you consider a semester, Flyboy?</p>

<p>September to Decemebr adn then again January to May</p>



<p>S (now a senior) has about $45 a week. He is OOS and has a car, but because there are so many in-state students lots of student’s have access to parent’s condos to ski. Free accommodations, ski pass prices, pooled transportation and lots of pasta. </p>

<p>It doesn’t have to be really expensive.</p>

<p>Full disclosure–he worked each summer and had access to his own money. I think he has done it solely on our budget during the school year. Once he got his car and apartment his junior year, we paid what it would cost to live on campus and have a meal plan. His rent and actual food cost were less so he saved money to do other stuff.</p>

<p>Thanks 07DAD!</p>

<p>$45/week is quite reasonable. The regional school the student in question negated had kids spending $150+ each weekend. Even if you’re not trying to keep up with the Jones’, that kind of spending translates to a frugal kid really not enjoying the college environment unless the kid likes quality alone time.</p>

<p>Another thing to keep in mind is that at CC lots of students do hiking/camping and bring their gear. It is not to say that there aren’t things that students do that costs money, but there are many, many things that do not have to be “high-end.”</p>

<p>My S has become really involved in performance arts at CC that provide him with lots to do nights and weekends. There is a group that he does these things with and hangs with. He has also told me that he doesn’t always do something that has a big cost every block break, so he budgets his money within those breaks.</p>