
<p>I posted in another forum, some guy claimed I was spoiled because my parents were sending me money and I had a shopping addiction (or this time of the year).</p>

<p>Aren't most college students at least partially dependent on their parents for some financial support??</p>

<p>I work about 10 hours a week so I make all my own spending money. My parents only send me partial spending money/school fees (alot of it is just my own money I made during summer that I left them too) They don't pay for my spending sprees and I thought many college students were mostly dependent on their parents.</p>

<p>Am I wrong to assume this?</p>

<p>The person accusing me was saying spending money on clothes is ridiculous blah blah while she spend spends money in her vegetable garden. -_-;; what the.... she apparently grew up on welfare but that doesn't mean everybody who didn't wear 2nd hand me downs all the time are spoiled.</p>

<p>If you have a shopping addiction that your parents are paying for then maybe. I don’t know you, were you flaunting your wealth in her face? She could also just be jealous and wanted to comment on something that you are clearly insecure about. You have things that she has never had. I wouldn’t worry about it, especially considering how you could have turned it around on her in an even more insulting way.</p>

<p>You’re fine, don’t even stress it. A lot of kids do have their parents send them money, being the the “broke” college student is never fun. If you work for your money and don’t have like other pressing obligations to use the money you make for, then why not buy clothes. I love being able to buy clothes. Its not good to flaunt your money in someones face, but its also dumb to not use what you have just because someone else doesnt.</p>

<p>Don’t stress. This summer I spent way too much money while interning in Washington D.C. and my mom occasionally gave me some money. I am definitely not spoiled. I mean, I am very happy to have be a white male in a nice town and have had a middle class upbringing, but I am not spoiled. I see nothing wrong with people’s parents being good to them. I mean I worked hard in school and will even graduate with a good amount of debt. Spoiled is a mentality anyway, a few isolating incidents of getting some cash do not qualify.</p>

<p>It’s a matter of perspective. I think you’re very spoiled but that’s coming from someone who is paying for everything, from tuition to rent to food to car etc. When I visit my dad gives me $3.75 to make it through the tolls. I’m not angry about it because I know they don’t have any money to give me, it’s just reality. Some people who’s parents didn’t put a roof over their head for 18 years and food for 18 years would find even me spoiled. I’d say that most people would think you were spoiled though.
I work about 10 hours a week so I make all my own spending money. My parents only send me partial spending money/school fees (alot of it is just my own money I made during summer that I left them too) They don’t pay for my spending sprees and I thought many college students were mostly dependent on their parents."
That doesn’t make sense. You either do make all of your own spending money or you don’t. If your parents are sending you money that you did not make and leave with them then they are giving you spending money.</p>

<p>^they provide me with some living expenses, I just usuaully try not to touch it. I try to keep my money level pretty constant by using the money I make from workstudy etc. I even sell my clothes on ebay lol. My parent’s money and my money tend to get mixed up very easily, but if I get 2000 dollars in beginning of the year I tend to try to keep it 2000 throughout the year so I’ll have money in emergency situations. When I go shopping, it’s with the money I worked for and I picked up alot of extra shifts. I probably use about 500 dollars from them every semester which I don’t think is that much considering I live in LA. AND my parents borrow money from me often. Right now they took 300 from me so I can pay off their credit card bills. -_- I also left them my summer work money so… they did buy me a new computer but that was because the old one was from my sophomore year in high school and I really needed a new computer for my major.</p>

<p>I’m not affluent but that doesn’t mean I have to live like a pauper and wear gross clothes/not shop. None of my girlfriends even have a job. They usually have designer hand bags they get for birthdays/cars whatever. I’m mostly running on financial aid (grant + loan + scholarship + workstudy) and I like looking nice. -_-;; I bought my own purse with my own work money although my parents were with me.</p>

<p>I technically CAN pay for everything with my financial aid package including loans, I just decided not to take a 2000 dollar loan because it seemed ridiculous. I hoped my parents could at least take care of 2000 dollars a year.</p>

<p>I thought spoiled was a word for people who got BMWs and mercedes for their 16th birthdays (know some of those people too)</p>


<p>You seem to be spoiled in some respect. Your parents’ willingness to fuel your shopping addiction, while they sometimes struggle to pay their credit cards, is outrageous, although that is your parents’ fault. Have they ever heard something called “saving”?</p>

<p>Saying that you have buy new clothes all the time because you can’t wear “gross clothes” sounds somewhat spoiled. Perhpas you should save that money for later. You never know when it might come in useful. Although it is true that you work for your money, it seems to me a little insensitive to buy new clothes (shopping addiction) when you are on financial aid and could use that money to repay your loans later on. You need to get your priorities straight. There are many people out there who want to live a life that they can not afford, (and they they wonder why they don’t have any money)</p>

<p>Why does it matter if some random person calls you spoiled? People call me spoiled all the time. It is irritating when the person barely knows you, particularly on a forum such as this, to be making judgments based on two things you’ve said…</p>

<p>Even if you are spoiled, it’s not affecting them and that’s your concern if it is.</p>

<p>It’s probably cause you go to USC. Everyone here either has lots of money or seems to have a lot of loans/scholarships/grants/etc. So either you’re spoiled or one of those financial aid cases. And the way you make it seem, it seems like you fit into the former more than the latter :frowning: but that’s just the way it seems at USC…</p>

<p>University of

<p>dudes you don’t go to usc so don’t hate us cuz you aint us.</p>

<p>Whether or not your spoiled is relative. My parents only pay a portion of my room/board, everything else (books, gas, food, fraternity dues, etc.) comes out of my pocket/scholarships/and now loans. But honestly I wouldn’t call you spoiled because there are people completely dependent on their parents at my school and can go on endless shopping sprees. Or they actually do work for their money, but the summer jobs they get are really well off because of daddy’s connection. I wouldn’t worry about it.</p>

<p>I think being spoiled is relative to your surroundings and circumstances.</p>

<p>I’m in a top program at a private school where the average family income is north of 250K. I have a lot of financial aid so I’m not exactly well off compared with many kids here. My parents has offered to and will foot some of my living expenses next year such as apartment rent and car insurance because I’m taking a poorly paid fellowship that won’t cover my living expenses for the coming year. Does that make me spoiled? If I was at a mediocre state uni where I can have enough time to take a job and still get good grades. But being where I am and compared to my peers whose parents can drop a grand a month for a luxury apartment and buy them giant plasmas for christmas and who thinks $200 for some shirts and jeans at the mall is smal change, I don’t feel that spoiled. I feel indebted to my parents and obligated to study hard and try my best, but I believe that they have chosen to support me in my pursuit of a good education and that my responsibility isn’t to worry about money but put it to good use. Of course, they have also been known to indulge some of my frivolous purchases but I mostly try to use my own money for that. </p>

<p>Trying to establish objectively whether someone is spoiled is next to impossible. There will always be people less fortunate than you and who have less that you. Even the girl who grows her own vegetable garden is spoiled compared to kids in Africa or other places who can’t even afford to do that. So if you want a fair assessment, then you have to evaluate yourself in the context of your environment and current situation.</p>



<p>Honestly I can’t save money. If I have money, that just means my parents will ask me to 1. survive on that until I run out (i usually don’t) 2. or send it to my brother.</p>

<p>My mother saves up bigger money for me because all of our money blend with each others (even though I would love to keep it completely separate my mother refuses. -_-)</p>

<p>Just because I’m on fin aid doesn’t mean I have to live like a pauper, I just can’t afford big items like cars/electronics most of the time. The money I make is for my living expenses and for me that includes shopping which is a huge stress reliever for me.</p>

<p>I was just caught off guard when someone called me spoiled more or less because I grew up in a below medium income family. I’m really big on fashion even if it’s not a designer/cost that much money and I think presenting yourself is very important. </p>

<p>Anyways yes I do goto USC but I’m on a huge fin aid where they pay for all of my tuition. I honestly cannot spend the next 10 years of my life working my butt off to pay off the loan and then be completely free. I rather have longer period to pay off that loan and just enjoy my life on the way.</p>

<p>Personally for me spoiled is when you are spending like 1000-2000 dollars on designer bags every few weeks/getting a BMW for your 16th bday/those kind of things. o_O not… like going normal clothes shopping since I thought everybody did that at least once in awhile.</p>

<p>I think you’re only spoiled if you don’t appreciate what you have. You seem to be thankful, so you’re fine.</p>


I was only joking. My school probably has more spoiled kids anyway :)</p>

<p>^I think every school has a good percentage of rich spoiled kids lol.
Actually even my high school had a large percentage of them. o_O
I think my idea of spoiled might have formed from high school since alot of people were suburban well off families…</p>

<p>Being spoiled can be viewed relatively but from a middle class income family point of view (aka my point of view and the majority of America’s), you’re not spoiled (I’ll speak for the majority of middle class because I’ve seen it everywhere, sorry no statistics)</p>

<p>I mean if you’re spoiled then what do you call the kids on “The Hills”?</p>

<p>^that’s what I was thinking. Alot of people I know are like people from those shows. -_-
Like my friend’s roommate: “oh it’s really hot here I really want to jump into one of my pools back in london.” (one… of her pools… eh?)</p>

<p>You don’t have to feel bad about having nice things or going to an expensive school. People can think what they want. As someone else said as long as you are grateful and feel blessed (like I do) to be going to a good school and have your parents able to help you out then don’t worry. It’s not your fault that you have it easier, just like its not someone’s fault if they have to work full time to pay for college. Just worry about yourself and don’t have worries.</p>