<p>As requested, here’s a form for you guys to fill out, with my answers underneath. :)</p>
<p>And I decided to open this up to all SPOPs since I think it’ll be useful/fun, and I’m too lazy to create a new thread. Haha, sorryyyy. </p>
<p>*Remember to remove all the spaces between the brackets, and please list your SPOP session in the title of your post, so it’ll be easier for people to find. Thank you!</p>
<p>[ b]About You:[ /b][ list]
[ *] Name:
[ *] SPOP Session:
[ *] College/Major/Minor:
[ *] Hometown:
[ *] Dorming? (Y/N):
[ *] Dorm preference and why?:
[ *] Why’d you pick I?
[ *] Visited campus before? (Y/N):
[ *] Hobbies/Interests:
[ *] Talent <a href=“included%20one,%20so%20we%20can%20prod%20you%20into%20performing%20at%20the%20Talent%20Show,%20haha.%20And%20two,%20because%20I’d%20love%20to%20do%20a%20hip-hop%20piece%20and%20I’m%20wondering%20if%20anyone%20would%20like%20to%20do%20it%20with%20me!%5B/i%5D”>i</a>:
[ *] What are you most excited about (SPOP/College/Etc.):
[ *] Questions/Concerns (about anything, like impacted classes, roommates, etc.):
[ ] Links to Facebooks/Myspaces/Twitters/Etc. <a href=“so%20we%20can%20keep%20in%20touch!”>i</a>:
[/list] </p>
<p>About You:[ul]
[<em>] Name: Dominique Zamora
[</em>] SPOP Session: 1
[<em>] College/Major/Minor: Humanities, Literary Journalism, Film and Media Studies
[</em>] Hometown: Anaheim, CA
[<em>] Dorming? (Y/N): Most definitely. I need to get awayyy. Haha.
[</em>] Dorm preference and why?: Mesa Court, because I think it’s prettier in general and I stayed there for SOP and absolutely loved the people and the overall feel of the place.
[<em>] Why’d you pick I? It was between here and SB, but SB doesn’t have my major.
[</em>] Visited campus before? (Y/N): Mhmm.
[<em>] Hobbies/Interests: Graphic Design, Dance, Photography, Graffiti, Painting, Music, Art in General, Hip-Hop, Clubbing, Concerts, Shot Pong!, Going to the Beach, Roadtrips, Late Night Adventures, Film/Cinematography
[</em>] Talent: Aside from dancing, nothing much else I can actually perform? Maybe Martial Arts, but that’s it.
[<em>] What are you most excited about (SPOP/College/Etc.): For one, meeting everyone. My high school was small, so I’m really looking forward to meeting new people. I’m also excited about my classes. I bought the catalog and I really think I’m gonna enjoy my major and minor, and the fact that my math class is gonna be Linguistics.
Oh, and hopefully joining a sorority and dance team.
[</em>] Questions/Concerns: Not really, because class registration problems don’t really affect us SPOP 1 kids. Hehe.
[li] Links to Facebooks/Myspaces/Twitters/Etc.: </p>[/li]
<p>Facebook: <a href=“http://www.facebook.com/dezamora[/url]”>http://www.facebook.com/dezamora</a>
Twitter: [dominique</a> zamora (satoriie) on Twitter](<a href=“x.com”>x.com)
Some of my photography: [Personal</a> Favorites - a set on Flickr](<a href=“http://www.■■■■■■■■■■/photos/dominiquezamora/sets/72157613532856172/]Personal”>http://www.■■■■■■■■■■/photos/dominiquezamora/sets/72157613532856172/)