<p>I have only tried cross country and track at my school, and I want to try more sports at BS. Thus, I don't have much sports equipment or many skills. Is anyone else this way?</p>
<p>Does anyone know if JV teams or club sports will take decent athletes who have no experience and little or no equipment?</p>
<p>i want to try crew i think and maybe do basketball even though i dont have much experience</p>
<p>i think club sports take everyone… JV, it depends. you might get on JV for say, water polo with no past experience, but not volleyball, and so forth… also depends on the size of your school. some schools have things in the fall where you can try sports (i think it was called spaz?) for new students, but don’t hold me to that, i’m not 100% sure…</p>
<p>anyways, hope i helped, good luck ~</p>
<p>It really depends on the school… my prep school doesn’t cut from JV unless they have a III’s for the sport. Also, it can’t hurt to try out! Remember, many kids come in with almost no experience. </p>
<p>bookluver07 - You should try out for both sports! Crew is one of those sports that almost no one comes in with previous experience. Basketball, you might not end up on V unless you’re crazy tall. I’m bias, but crew is amazing…</p>
<p>At exeter for preps JV and Varsity both cut and if you don’t make them you get put in spaz which is basically just a prep PE program. The way it works each term is different though. In fall you pick three different sports out of the fall sports and you do a couple weeks of each. Winter you have a rotation where you do every winter sport. Spring you choose one sport and you do it the whole term.</p>
<p>hey i’m in the same boat, minus the athletic part (hence the username)
this is good news, if i end up at exeter i think it’s gonna be mostly spaz then.</p>
<p>I think the club sports and some of the athletic classes sound fun, so I think I’m okay. I think Exeter allows some sort of theater productions as a sport?</p>
<p>Yeah if you make the play or you do stage crew they put you in drama sports. its kind of a joke though they don’t even have to change out of their regular clothes they just do tai chi.</p>
<p>frosty6- do you do crew then wherever you go? and i dont think i would make varsity then since im not tall</p>
<p>Well, I got into squash with no experience… >.<
I know people who did that with crew, too…</p>
<p>I don’t think you would have to be tall to do crew. Maybe some arm muscles would help.</p>
<p>Or if you’re short and light, you could always be coxswain. ^^</p>
<p>Most schools that we have visited or been in contact with either have a “developmental” or “club” team. Many of the JV,or Thirds teams are quite good depending on the school and sport. Some even have a Varsity B team too. For example, the JV basketball team at NMH would be really good and the JV Hockey team at AOF is really good, but they have a Thirds team, and also a “developmental” team for kids just learning to play.</p>
<p>haha yes being a cox is always an option! You have to be loud and a good multi-tasker :)</p>
<p>musisat - Having arm muscles is always important, but crew is actually a pushing sport and not a pulling sport - 70 percent of the power comes from your legs! And then abs/back 20, and arms 10. </p>
<p>And bookluver - still try out!! You never know. And anyway, tall is helpful, but only really important when it comes to college and then seating in the boat. I know plenty of girls on my team who are very short!! </p>
<p>Also good to note - almost everyone joins crew with no experience, so don’t let that deter you!</p>
<p>so… i practically can’t play any sports well (except for swimming, but im pretty horrible too). The only option for me is club sports XD
Does anyone know about the yoga program at Exeter? It looks pretty appealing to me (from what it says in the course catalogue, anyways…)</p>
<p>lol crew is a cult</p>
<p>crew pwns (10char)</p>
<p>i hear alot of kids who dont know much or havnt played much sports go to st. andrews de and get really really good there.</p>
<p>rad have you got accepted anywhere yet or sent out any new applications keep me updated??</p>