Spring 2011 Dean's List

<p>FYI, the Dean’s List for the latest semester has been published. Congratulations to many of our CC kids and their parents! Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Hey! Look at that! Thanks for letting us know :)</p>

<p>Thanks for the heads up. Proud to see lil bro’s name on there. Here’s the link to the list for those who haven’t seen it yet.</p>

<p>[University</a> of Alabama News Dean’s List Students Named for UA Spring Term](<a href=“http://uanews.ua.edu/2011/06/deans-list-students-named-for-ua-spring-term-3/]University”>http://uanews.ua.edu/2011/06/deans-list-students-named-for-ua-spring-term-3/)</p>

<p>Nine from Cincinnati, that’s encouraging.</p>

<p>Thanks for the link, NJ; didn’t know how to post it :slight_smile: Congrats to your brother as well!</p>

<p>It was really interesting to scroll thru and see all the students from out of state and what states have larger representation. Lots of Illinois students…</p>

<p>Congrats everyone! Thanks for posting this.</p>

<p>NJ…thanks for posting the link! Congrats to lil bro (and his big bro who I know has been a great supporter of him). I too thought it was fun to scroll through. Recognized kids we knew and it was fun to see where everyone came from. DD made the Presidents List. Congrats to all the kids and their parents who made both the Dean’s List and the President’s list…way to go!</p>

<p>Let’s say you had a B+, but were able to balance it out to a 4.0 with A+'s in the other courses, could you still make President’s List?</p>


<p>I don’t think so…</p>

<p>*the President’s List with an academic record of 4.0 <a href=“all%20As”>B</a>**. *</p>

<p>nj, you said your brother was “just a regular student”? Congrats</p>

<p>The “all A’s” requirement for the President’s list is a misnomer used to make it easier for parents to understand what UA means by a 4.0. A 4.0 is the equivalent of getting all As, but lower grades can be offset by higher grades. An A- is not an A, but I am on the President’s list for having a 4.0 last semester despite not having “all A’s.”</p>

<p>Ok I’m probably being ridiculous, but I don’t see my DS’s name:=( He was president’s list last semester but did make his first B+ spring semester. The rest of his grades were A+s though. Anyone know who to contact? My DS probably is not concerned, but I am…</p>

<p>Although I am not certain, I believe the B+ is what may have kept him off the list. The requirements are “a GPA of 4.0 and all A’s”. Even though he banked those A+'s, that B+ may have done him in. Another question is whether he had a full course load. </p>

<p>Still a great achievement. Congrats!</p>

<p>Congrats all - Roll Tide!</p>

<p>bamafana: a b+ shouldn’t keep him from making Dean’s list. Trust me :wink: I’d say double check his transcript online to see if there were any issues (like incompletes, not enough credits, etc.)</p>


<p>*An A- is not an A, but I am on the President’s list for having a 4.0 last semester despite not having “all A’s.” *</p>

<p>Bama considers an “A-” as a A for President’s List. They don’t mean “all A’s” literally, otherwise an A+ isn’t an “A”. But, the A- has to be balanced with an A+ for GPA to be at least a 4.0.</p>

<p>Back to the B+ balanced by A+'s…I don’t know if it’s possible to make President’s list with a B+. </p>

<p>Bamafana…a B+ and the rest A’s means he makes the Dean’s List. Does your son have any outstanding grade due to the Tornadoes and final grade? Does the school have his right city? </p>

<p>I know someone who lives in Huntsville, but Bama had her in Brownsboro because of her zip code is also a Brownsboro zip.</p>

<p>Keep in mind that the list actually includes** TWO LISTS**…those who got all A’s (President’s List) and those who have a 3.5+ GPA (Dean’s List)</p>

<p>A total of 7,006 students enrolled during the 2011 spring semester at The University of Alabama were named to the* Dean’s List with an academic record of 3.5 <a href=“or%20above”>/B</a> or the** President’s List with an academic record of 4.0 (all As). **

<p>RobD and Mom, my DS HAS questioned that B+ due to the professor STILL not posting one of his quiz grades! The Dean of the College of A & S has been researching, soooooo that may be the problem. Although, all of his final grades are posted on his mybama account (4 A+s and 1 B+)??? Someone questioned him having a full load and he did. 14 hours I believe last semester. (Taking 18 this fall!!! ARGH!!)</p>

<p>Well Bama did miss my son, but has corrected now! He’s showing on the President’s list! AWESOME!!</p>


<p>Yea!!! Congrats!!</p>