<p>CHEM 322b: Organic Chemistry (Part 2)
PHYS 135a: Physics For the Life Sciences (Part 1)
SPAN 310: Structure of Spanish</p>
<p>The fourth class will most probably be either MATH 208 (Elementary and Probability Statistics) or PSYC 100. It all depends on whether I decide to go through with a switch to neuroscience. </p>
<p>There’s also an interesting two-unit course I’m looking at, possibly related to health care or medicine. Not trying to put too much on my plate because I know Ochem will take up a massive amount of time and I’m already not that good at physics so I’ll need to put effort into that too.</p>
<p>They posted the list back in September. I’m still trying to decide. One of the confusing things is that they changed the graduation requirements and while I can use the old ones, I think that the newer ones are easier as far as gen eds, but I do need them to be explained by an advisor.</p>
<p>I’m debating on whether or not I should take 12 or 15 hours. I’m taking 18 this semester (though one just ended, so I’m now down to 15 for the rest of the semester), and I’m kind of feeling burnt out, so I think it might be good to go with a low amount and I’m not hurting for credit hours. I’ve got like 54 right now and I’m only a first semester sophomore.</p>
<p>I’m debating between:
+French 300 (French Phonetics) or French 330 (French Theatre)
+Theatre 230 (Make-Up Design for Film/Theatre)
+German 110 (Beginning German II)
+Astronomy 111/111 A (Astronomy I. 4 credit hours)
+And maybe a Theatre lab.</p>
<p>And I took nine classes last semester. DO NOT do that. It’s terrible. In reality, it was only 19 hours, but oh my gosh, one-credit hour classes are so much more than just one credit hour.</p>
<p>Definitely agree, AUGirl, about the 1 credit classes. I’m in the top choir and take upper level voice lessons. They take way more than even an hour a day.</p>
<p>I’m Computer Science, Sophomore. Spring '13 will be my fourth semester. I plan to take Spanish III, Data Structures, Human-Computer Interaction, either Graph Theory or Cryptography, and one easy course from the Required To Please The Almighty Regents list.</p>
<p>It will be a pretty busy semester: Spanish II and Data Structures are both pretty serious undertakings. Whichever of the two maths I choose should be fun, though. I kinda want to take both.</p>
<p>Okay okay I think it’s going to be this:
Jewish New York
British Literature
The First Amendment
Cultures in Conflict 1500-1850
Ancient Egyptian Civilization</p>
<p>And if all goes well, I’m going to be a teacher’s assistant at a local yeshiva which I could get 4 credits for. 24 credits, then-- gotta stock up on coffee.</p>
<p>Woo can’t wait for Fall 2013 course selection!</p>
<p>EAS 230- an engineering programming class (3)
EAS 202- engineering concepts seminar (1)
PHY 107- Calculus based physics (4)
EE 101- intro to electronics (3)
CHE 114- Chemistry lab only (1)
MTH 306- Differential Equations (4)
and I’m already enrolled in
HIS 407- Church-State and Liberty Issues in the American Past and Present (3)</p>
<p>So it’s 19 credits for now, only a bit above the average of 17 for engineering majors at my school.
I might drop EAS 230 if 19 credits is too much, but it’s the class I’m looking forward to the most. HIS 407 is an honors seminar so I didn’t really get much choice in that and I can’t drop it.</p>
<p>And because of the number of classes I need to take in sequence, my Monday, Wednesdays, and Fridays will be horrid, but I won’t have any classes on Thursdays</p>
<p>RCAH 492- God and the Environment (Philosophy class)
ANP 370 Culture, Health, and Illness
EC 202 Macroeconomics
ACC 230 Survey of Accounting Concepts</p>
<p>Kinda taking the last two for fun. Thinking of taking EC 201 Microeconomics instead of ACC 230. Anyone taken both at the same time? I have ZERO economics background fwiw.</p>
<p>Intermediate Japanese (Japanese 5) - this depends on whether I place into it or not.
Japanese Literature in Translation: The Middle Period
Japanese Popular Culture
Choir (or East Asian Civilization if I don’t pass choir auditions)</p>
<p>MTH210- Linear Algebra (3 cr)
PHY206- University Physics II (3 cr)
PHY208- University Physics II Lab (1 cr)
EEN112- Intro to Engineering II (2 cr)
EEN118- Intro to Programming (3 cr)
ENG107- Writing About Science (3 cr)
MMI151- Desktop Audio Production (1 cr)</p>
<p>Looks like a lot, but it’s really only 16 credits. Freshman engineering…ain’t it the life. :P</p>
<p>Intermediate Macroeconomics Theory
Intermediate Microeconomics Theory
Ethnic Literatures of the U.S.
Cinematic Representations of Italian Americans - It counts as a gen ed and it sounds really interesting so I’m excited. It’s a W, a writing intensive course, so it should be more work but nothing too bad.
Philosophy and Logic - I had dropped this course before, hopefully I can get a good grade this time.
Short Story - my professor is Samuel Pickering, it’s his last semester teaching. I’m pumped.
= 18 credits, 6 classes</p>
<p>I just registered for classes on Tuesday, and I’m really excited about these classes! I just don’t remember the course numbers ):</p>
<p>Characteristics of Students with Mild Disabilities
Foundations of Leadership
Facilitation and Differentiation (Internship)
Pre-Adolescent and Adolescent Literature
Standard English Grammar
Teaching Content to Diverse Learners
Teaching Reading and Writing in Middle and Secondary Schools</p>
<p>It’s 18 hours, but I typically take between 16 and 19 hours a semester.</p>
<p>I’m on the quarter system, so I’ll be taking these classes next quarter:</p>
<p>Animal Biochemistry and Metabolism (5 units)
Lactation (5 units; I have absolutely no interest in becoming a livestock veterinarian, but I’m an animal science major and this is required for my major)
Physics (4 units)
Animal Domestic Production Lab (1 unit)</p>
<p>Total amount of units: 15</p>
<p>And then if I can, I want to fit in choir if I pass auditions. Haven’t been in choir for a year since I left community college, so I hope my sightsinging skills haven’t gone sour.</p>
<li>Math 372 (last developmental math course) or College Algebra (trying to get out of developmental courses)</li>
<li>Spanish (I really don’t care about any of the foreign language options availabe at my community college, but might as well get four semester of this out of the way. Too bad they don’t have Japanese, which is the only foreign language I want to learn and it sucks that UT Austin won’t have this either).</li>
<li>English 1302</li>
<li>A science course (need to figure out what to take next)</li>
<li>??? (not sure, maybe government?)</li>
<p>I am declared as an English and History double major, and I’m thinking about maybe minoring in Psychology. I’m going to be a second semester sophomore.</p>
<p>Right now my classes are as follows: </p>
<p>HST 357 - Civil War & Reconstruction
HST 308 - World of Alexander the Great
ENG 395 - Contemporary American Literature
ENG 357 - Studies in Chicano Literature
PSY 245 - Studies of Abnormal Behavior </p>
<p>However, I am waitlisted for two more English classes (ENG 300 -Seminar in the Major, "20th Century Irish Literature and Criticism; ENG 312 - Medieval Religious Poetry) , hoping to get in to at least one so I don’t have to take Chicano Lit. </p>
<p>Right now my schedule, by week, looks like this:</p>