spring 2013?

<p>how long does it generally take for uw madison to make an admission decision for the spring?</p>

<p>I just got my reply this morning. I got in with a 1780 SAT and IB Diploma, into Engineering. Yes, I’m surprised too!</p>

<p>oh that’s great congratulations! how long after they confirmed all your materials did they make the decision?</p>

<p>uhm, 3 weeks. I got it done by the 1st of October.</p>

<p>and did you submit any teacher recommendations?</p>

<p>yes, i asked my teachers to fill out the online form.</p>

<p>i did too and they said they did it but it never showed up on my application status. oh well can’t do anything about it now. hopefully that won’t matter much. thanks for your help!</p>

<p>It doesn’t come up. The Status only shows items that are necessary for a decision. Recommendations are considered optional. Which course did you apply for?</p>

<p>oh okay cool then they probably have them. i applied for electrical engineering, what about you?</p>

<p>Mechanical Engineering. Where are you from?</p>

<p>Either I’m misunderstanding your post, or you don’t understand the UW admission process. If you are applying as a Freshman or Sophomore, you did not get admitted to Engineering. You are admitted to the University and after completing 2 years of courses, you can apply to an engineering program. Depending on your GPA and overall record, you may or may not be admitted to an engineering program.</p>

<p>As part of the undergrad admission process, you are free to indicate any potential major or college. Some majors can be declared by completing a form. Other majors are very competitive and accept anywhere from 45-60% of the students who apply after completing one or two years of courses (depending on the major you are interested in).</p>

<p>I apologize if you knew all this. I’ve come in contact with several applicants who don’t understand this and start celebrating because they think they’ve been accepted to Business or Engineering when in reality they’ve been admitted to the University as a whole with an interest expressed in a major.</p>

<p>uhm, 3 weeks. I got it done by the 1st of October.</p>