spring 2014 transfers

<p>I know this is for spring but i am applying for fall 2014 what are my chances??
high school gpa 3.5 out of 4.0
took some college credits in high school
extremely involved with sports,clubs, and volunteering </p>

small private school in mn
im taking: (17 credits)
college writing
dynamic and health movement
projected gpa 3.7-4.0 out of 4.0 this semester
I plan on taking chem, calc or stats and a history class
i plan on taking about 15-17 credits for spring semester</p>

<p>ill have about 41 credits at the end of the year</p>

<p>ill have two letters of rec
pretty good essays
not going to submit act (kinda low) or should i???
still involved with sports and volunteering</p>

<p>good chances???
badger2014 is online now</p>

<p>Ya, I hear ya, katrocious… And I STILL haven’t heard anything yet! Hopefully, we find out at least by the end of the month or what admissions told us was bu11sh1t</p>

<p>I applied after the deadline, application marked as complete by UW on 10/31. The guy I talked to said I should hear back by the end of November. Anybody that had their application marked as complete before me hear back yet?</p>

<p>Does anyone know a general timeframe for a decision on the competitive majors like biomedical engineering or pharmacy school?</p>

<p>I applied in the beginning of September and two weekends ago I received an official credit transfer evaluation. Hopefully that is a good sign, but otherwise I haven’t heard anything yet. I emailed admissions and they were saying within the next few weeks, they will start sending out decisions. I have 2 years of undergrad completed (I know, kind of weird to transfer post-sophomore year) at the University of Denver with about a 3.7 GPA, so hopefully my chances are decent.</p>


<p>What engineering major did you apply for? I have heard some like Electrical Engineering are more competitive than others.</p>

<p>I applied August 9th and everything was finalized and in by mid September. Still haven’t found out. Hope it works out for you Rmulr842 3.7 at Denver is definitely respectable. I’m stressing cause I had a 2.4 first semester last yr (pledged a fraternity and also had some medical issues) and then a 3.7 the following semester at the University Of Missouri. Have a 3.7 again this semester so hopefully they ask for quarter grades. Adds up to 44 credit hours. I’m also still a resident in Wisco which may help, and am applying to Madison as a whole not a specific school. I heard that anything above a 3.0 puts you into serious consideration. I’ll let you guys know if I find out sometime soon it seems like I applied much earlier than everyone else. If any of you have heard of people getting in with a situation similar to mine (Bad first semester grades but huge upward trend) let me know. Need something to ease my mind this suspense is killer.</p>

<p>Anyone get any updates? I would have thought I would have heard by now and I’m starting to worry.</p>

<p>Madison received all of my transcripts towards the beginning of September and I still have yet to hear anything as well.</p>

<p>Ok, sorry. I’m not a transfer student, but I’m just wondering when will the admitted transfer students usually start their housing hunting? Around this time, or immediately after admission?</p>

<p>Na… I called there a couple weeks ago but to no avail the rep seemed to have no idea when we will get our decisions… and just stated something generic like “ohh you should get them by the end of December at the latest, and if u applied earlier you could receive it earlier.” </p>

<p>IDK if you could talk to a counselor about it but I think this is late notice going into the 13th week of the semester… I mean we can probably toss our choice for housing out the window by now</p>

<p>UW Residence Halls housing room assignments are done by lottery in May- it won’t matter when you sign a Res Halls (dorm) contract as long as it is done within the time limit it is offered after acceptance. Private housing - dorms and apartments will just be available for rent now but most will wait a few more months. There will be plenty of housing options available when spring semester begins.</p>

<p>I understand they have until the end of December to inform new students, so what happened to “rolling admissions?” I don’t think this slowpoke process is what I understand as rolling admissions. Ho-hum, they must be very short staffed and some poor soul is working overtime to stay above water. Patience is a virtue!</p>

<p>I just got my admission decision and I got in!!!</p>

<p>Out of state transfer into the College of Engineering. Applied on September 30th and said that everyone was received around October 12.</p>

<p>My stats:
76 credits completed (received an associate)
Calculus 1 through Differential Equations
Three Physcis classes
Two Chemistry classes
Two college level English classes
A bunch of Engineering electives
GPA: 3.71
Activities: President of Engineering Club, Treasurer of Student Senator, Math and Physics tutor on campus</p>

<p>Hope this help those of you who haven’t heard yet.</p>

<p>Transfer student: OOS
High school GPA: 2.8, didn’t really focus or put in work.
College GPA: 4.0 but only 20 credits
Taking 17 credits currently and in route to get a 3.5 or higher.
I knew mine was somewhat of a reach because of high school records and lack of credits but worth a try.
2 teacher recs
Both top knotch essays.
I plan to appeal because I should have 37 credits above 3.5 by spring semester.
Hope others got better news!</p>

<p>I got a rejection just this evening.</p>

<p>Applied as a chemistry major.
High school GPA: 2.4, SAT: 1600/2400
Community college GPA: 3.9, 55 credits (science courses: physics 1-2 and general chemistry 1-2 (honors). math courses: calc 1-3 (honors), linear algebra, differential equations. rest are general education courses.)
EC: Doing chemistry research, 1 published paper as 2nd author, presented research at multiple conferences, 1 summer of research for the department of energy.</p>

<p>I think my poor high school stats got me denied since I’ve been accepted to 3 ivy league schools and a few other good chemistry programs.</p>

<p>Damn saitorider if you got rejected I’m questioning if an appeal is even worth it. I just wanna be in madison so bad</p>

<p>I won’t appeal, but I just thought my case would be an interesting exhibition for the randomness of undergrad admissions.</p>

<p>Got in just awhile ago! Congratulations to everyone who got in. For those who didn’t, keep your head up and keep on trucking. Best of luck to all.</p>

<p>I might be transferring… gotta make a decision soon, but I already started looking at housing because I am very picky with dorms. Probably best to line your choices up sooner rather than later.</p>