Spring 2016 - Purdue

I applied for spring 2016 on 29th October as a freshman and selected major as general studies.
What’s usually the timeline for spring admission decisions ?
Is there anyone else who’s applied for the spring ? Did you get a decision ?

I know I applied really late lol.

Yes, my son applied for Spring 2016 with a Computer Science/Econ major and was accepted last week.

@KindaDisgruntled Can you please tell me around when did he apply ? and his stats if possible :slight_smile:

I applied for spring admission to college of engineering before they told me that it was closed for spring enrollment… AFAIK the deadline for international students applying for spring was Oct 1st. Not too sure about this, my memory may be lying to me.

@humzee97 It does say Oct 1st as the deadline on their website when I checked right now… I didn’t see that before applying though.
But I did call admissions and asked them if they were still accepting students to general studies before I sent in my application and they said yes so I guess it’ll be okay ?

@intlstudent27 if you specifically mentioned spring semester enrollment and then they said yes, then it will be okay. Otherwise they might be referring to Fall 2016 admits

I was deferred for additional info. I sent in my grade 10 marksheet which they asked for. The grades were in the official transcript uploaded to CA so I’m not sure why they asked for it.
How long will they take to make a decision ?

Purdue seems to be pretty quick, I got accepted within 10 days of deferring my application for college of engineering to Fall 2016… it should not take too long

@humzee97 Thank you for the info !