Spring 2016 Transfer

I have been accepted as a spring 2016 transfer from a cuny in nyc. As far as financial aid, I would have to take out a loan to cover dorming. I got accepted into my last choice for res life which was hillside.

I just have a few questions if anyone can answer them.
–I currently go to a cuny that lacks in the science department, however, I receive full financial aid. Is binghamtons science department/social atmosphere worth the loans.
-I was looking for pictures or more information on the social aspect of hillside and couldn’t find anything. How nice are the apartments? Is it worth the loan and how inconvenient is it to travel from it to the lecture halls?
-How diverse are the students?
-I’ve heard stereotypes that most students are snobby kids form long Island, which of course I know there are other types of students, but aside from them, how prominent are, stereotypically speaking, “athletes”, “sorority/fraternity people”, or “hipsters” on campus.

Annual budget SUNY NYS Resident (Baruch Cllege)
Tuition… $6,470 ($6,330)
Fees…$2,511 ($320)
Room & Board…$13,820**(0 - LIVING AT HOME)
Direct Cost…$22,801 ($6,650)

Indirect Costs 6
Books & Supplies…$1,340 ($1,248)
Personal Expenses…$1,500 ($1,780)
Transportation…$1,050 ($1,054)
TOTAL INDIRECT COST…$3,890 ($4,074)
COA (Direct & In-direct) …$26,691 ($10,724)

** Figures reflect housing plan standard double and average meal plan

The difference in COA between Binghamton and Baruch is ~ $16,000. If we only look at the cost of R & M, you are looking at borrowing about $12K - 14K per year. Is this what you expect to borrow for the next 2.5 years (minimum)? I thought Baruch College has a very good science department? You are a biology major; What are your career goals, assuming you get your undergraduate degree in Biology?

Thank you for the response.

From what I have calculated I would be borrowing 11k-12k. Which it would be my plan to borrow that amount. I would hope to work for a scholarship and also apply to be an RA, but I’m not taking that into consideration, considering it’s something that may or may not happen. I also plan to find an apartment in binghamton which I heard were extremely cheap after my first 2 semesters there.

Baruch’s science department lacks in so many areas. There are very few professors therefore it is very hard to get into the science classes in the first place. So far many of the upper class men I have met encourage me to transfer to other schools. The professors I have taken, don’t seem to really care about the students knowing the material. They just want you to be able to pass the exams. The best professors I have encountered at Baruch are the math and psychology professors. Baruch has a very good Business program, but there aren’t many opportunities in the science field. There also aren’t many opportunities for research and the laboratories are extremely old.

My plan is to apply to med school. Which I know is very expensive. However, so far I have yet to learn anything from the only chem lecture professor. I had to teach myself online and still struggled to the point in which I decided it was better to retake the class, but I would have to take it with the same professor again.