spring admit

<p>What is this, exactly? Does it mean that a student applying for Fall '09 as a freshman gets admitted, but can't start classes until Spring '10? Does every school do this, to some extent?</p>

<p>What are the pros/cons? Do you graduate a semester late, as well? What about housing, typically? I wonder if those kids feel 'out of it,' having not started with 'everyone else.' Any experience out there with this?</p>

<p>I am curious, too, as I had never heard of this until recently. In asking some moms how their kids were doing this semester, I found two, whose kids hadn’t started, out of our class of 70. One mom explained it to as “waiting until room opened up because of students leaving to study abroad.”</p>

<p>I think it is quite common and not a problem at all. I know several kids who have done this in order to attend a certain school. Graduating late is absolutely not a problem. There is no real set 4 year track anymore. Some students take a semester off somewhere along the way, others need a few extra credits and take a semester (or year) longer and some graduate early. There is no stigma.</p>

<p>I was a spring admit back in the day. I don’t know if I would recommend it. We weren’t housed together and I found it difficult to break into the dorm’s social life. Room draw was a problem too because it was in March and I didn’t feel I knew anyone well enough to ask to be my room mate. I ended up having a single. If I hadn’t been able to get one I would have felt really bad. I graduated at the same time because I transferred in some credits from a local college. I had a friend who graduated with the next class because he changed majors and needed the extra time.</p>