Spring admits over rejections/appealing

<p>I was admitted for the theatre BA program for the spring, but keep hearing if some of the fall admits for theatre drop out, I could potentially take their place. </p>

<p>What about if someone was rejected from the school of theatre and tried appealing for the fall?? Would they get in to the fall semester before me, or would I have superiority since I am accepted, just not for the fall...yet</p>

<p>Any answers would be great!!</p>

<p>They rarely change their mind about a student that they rejected, but if they did, I doubt they would admit him/her for the fall over a spring admit. He/she would have to come up with something that was completely overlooked in their application that proved they deserved to be a fall admit. I wouldn’t worry about someone who appealed taking a possible spot in the fall. However, I could see a couple of them joining us in the spring. So people, appeal away.</p>

<p>We know one young woman who appealed last year (2008 hs grad) and was accepted. Yay. However, she was offered admission for the following fall (2009!)–starting college one year late. She chose to attend CC for this year to get some GEs out of the way. Don’t know if this sitch is a typical scenario, but the spring admit will most likely have the first shot at any openings. Congratulations on your admission.</p>

<p>madbean. The son of a friend of ours had the same offer last year to be a Fall of 2009 admit. He was a legacy, but he decided to go to Boulder instead and will not be transfering back to USC.</p>

<p>Sooo I should not be worried that someone who appeals would take a fall spot over me who got in for spring??</p>

<p>No, HMR. You could also help your case if you nicely and politely (but also firmly) talk to the admissions person in Theatre and ask if there is any chance they might be bumping up any spring admits in your major to fall. Ask specific questions like–how many spring admits did they offer this year. You won’t know how many will matriculate to USC but you could get some clue if there are many or not. Ask if you may send a letter with an update on your accomplishments (sort of like an appeal) so they can reconsider you for fall if there is an opening. It cannot hurt, and I know sometimes the squeaky wheel (who is gracious!) can get the attention. Best of luck.</p>

<p>I was also wondering this. I was admitted for spring and would like to know if I would be priority for being offered a fall spot over someone who was rejected and successfully appealed. I don’t think it would be fair if someone who got rejected got the spot over me! I just really Hope that spring admits are given the spots first :)</p>