Spring Apartment

<p>I know I broached the topic earlier in the year, but given that we’re getting towards the middle of the semester and people are starting to think more seriously about their spring plans, I figured I’d post here again. </p>

<p>I’m looking for an apartment for the spring (preferably not for the summer, but I’ll take what I can get as far as sublets are concerned) and figured I’d mention it to the community here first to see if anyone’s looking to sublet this spring.</p>

<p>My preference would be walking distance to campus or the strip, but I’'m not overly picky as long as there’s bus access. (Speaking of, how is the commuter parking situation on/near campus?)</p>

<p>I like the newer complexes over the older ones, but for the right price/location/material condition, I might be swayed otherwise. </p>

<p>As far as roommates, after 4 consecutive years of sea duty, I can live with just about anyone and make it work. Except for people that smoke inside the house. </p>

<p>Price range wise, anything up to $600 is in my budget. Partially included utilities are a HUGE plus.</p>

<p>Of Note: I can not physically be in Tuscaloosa until mid-december at the earliest if I absolutely have to come to town. Otherwise, I’ll be moving in in the beginning of January.</p>

<p>D is at the lofts and loves it, there is bus access, not sure if you could find a sublet in your price range. Check craigslist. </p>

<p>FYI the VA has been very timely with her GI Bill payments but I don’t know how it will work if the govt shutdown drags on.</p>

<p>Join the ua face book pages and call the off campus housing department. Also, contact the individual apartments since many of them handle sublets themselves. Good luck!</p>

<p>Hi C! Again, thank you for your service to our country. </p>

<p>Where will you be in the summer? Finding something that doesn’t include the summer will be an issue unless you find a student who’s going abroad for only the spring.</p>

<p>Is the summer issue due to funding for summer housing? If so, can you work over the summer to cover that? </p>

<p>If you are interested in working over the summer in Ttown, then I suggest that either finding a place near the Strip or near Midtown Village. Have you ever bartended? Because of your age, you’d be a good candidate. My younger son bartended this last summer before starting med school and made a good amount of money in tips. </p>

<p>I agree with The Lofts recommendation, but also just anything by Midtown. However, I don’t know if price will be an issue. Will you have a car for weekends or job possibilities? </p>

<p>If you have a car, then finding a sublet by the school may be your best bet. I agree with the above with checking Craigs List. See if Bama Housing can direct you to where you can find students who’ll sublet. </p>

<p>I wonder how to get in touch with students who are graduating in Dec and won’t need their apts after Dec? </p>

<p>Put an add in Craigs List that you need a sublet.</p>

<p>I know that you’re not going to be here til much later, but I wonder if you could email a Flyer to some of the better apts with a Sublet Request that they could post in some Community location in their complex.</p>

<p>I’d bet there is a good chance you could find a sublet for the spring. Many kids do not come back after winter break, either because of grades, homesickness, study abroad, or graduating early! </p>

<p>Would kids who are in Crimson Living, the Lofts, the Bluffs, and other off campus housing be tied into a year long leases that they’d want to sublet out of if they have change of plans in December?</p>

<p>My son’s friends really like Crimson Student Living, and they take the shuttle to campus. They are seniors, and I’ve heard no complaints of wild underclass parties. It may cost more than you’d like to pay, but it’s safe and easy access to campus.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>Might have a sublet for you. Can you message me?</p>

<p>I think the best bet is looking for students who are graduating early or who will be doing a study abroad over the spring semester…altho they may likely need you to rent over the summer as well.</p>

<p>Frosh do sometimes get homesick or flunk out the first semester, but they’re in dorms.</p>

<p>The summer thing is a combination of two factors. The first is that I haven’t seen my family for more than a couple days a year since I enlisted 6 years ago. At one point I went a year and a half without seeing them, 6 months without hearing from them. As such, I’d really like to take the summer and just be home, spend time with my parents, maybe go fishing with my brothers, etc. </p>

<p>The other factor is the way the GI bill works. Regardless of how many credits you take, for each month you’re in class, you lose a month off your eligibility. So unless I can take a full course load, the “cost” of summer hours is too high. And I don’t really have the cash laying around to pay for summer hours out of pocket. </p>

<p>I would take a spring/summer sublet if required, I can stay and work if needed, its just not preferred. </p>

<p>And as far as the bartending thing, I always figured that that would be a mostly female job, especially in a college town. How would one go about getting into it?</p>