<p>Hello everyone, I'm planning on applying to UT's ChemE program as a transfer student, I have 64 credit hours (including lower level math classes(trig, precal) and 4 hours that won't transfer) from a community college in Dallas and a 3.95 GPA (My one B was in Cal II if that matters).</p>
<p>According to the "Cockrell School of Engineering 2008-2010 Transfer Guide for Texas Community College Students" ( 2008-2010</a> TCCN/UT Engineering Transfer Guide ) I'm short the following classes:</p>
<p>Bio 1 (Bio 1406)
O-Chem 2 (Chem 2425)
Cal III (Math 2415)
//Taking the above this coming fall and maybe couple below
Diff Eq (Math 2320 or 2420)
A literature class
2 foreign language courses
Hist 1302
Govt 2302</p>
<p>Assuming my essays are well written, does anyone think I have a snowballs chance in hell at a spring transfer? </p>
<p>Thanks for your opinions and help.</p>