Spring/Fall/Winter/Summer Term Transfer

<p>I am really having trouble with deciding when to decide to some schools. For example, many schools ( Barnard, Trinity, CMU, etc) offer admission into the spring term and other ( Northwestern, Emory, UNC, etc) offer admission for the summer term. There are also ones that offer it during the fall too ( Wash and Lee, Renssaler, GW). What are the advantages to applying for admission in the summer/spring/winter terms as opposed to the fall terms.</p>

<p>If I do choose to apply for the spring terms, I will be in the process of completing around 60 credits ( no "fluff" courses included). Right now I have completed 17 credits and I have a 4.0 GPA and I do not assume I will get lower than a 3.7 GPA overall ( in the worst-case scenario).</p>

<p>Should I apply for spring admission as opposed to fall for some schools? Why or why not?
What are the advantages/disadvantages for each option?
Any advice is appreciated!</p>