<p>So i just signed up for classes and well my finals schedule for Spring 2012 is horrendous with 3 Finals on wednesday and 1 on thursday morning.</p>
<p>Do you guys have any suggestions or recommendations in these types of situations.
I know i will be studying like crazy, but should i change my professors or something so the finals week looks balanced or something? </p>
<p>I figure I will start to study early on [seriously this time, lolz] so the pressure will die down a bit, but i have never had this type of situation in my 2 quarters at UCSD, so i don' know what to expect stress wise. Any tips or something would be nice!</p>
<p>i don’t think 3 finals on one day is a good idea…i would change it if i were you even if the times are worse
<p>Since you have 3 finals on one day technically you are allowed to switch one of them. Email your professor now and ask if he/she has an alternate final you take. Start with a professor that is teacher more than one class (if possible). I say technically because although professors are suppose to make accommodations since you have 3 finals in one day some professor won’t and then you are forced to take all three in one day. Talk to the profs now. If all three say no you could talk to someone with more authority than just the professor. If possible though I’d try and take another class to spread your finals out.</p>
<p>i have a question nicholep: What if all three say yes. Can i spread my finals out that way? Say Prof 1 and 2 say yes i can have alternate dates. Can i do an alternate final for both prof’s if that is suitable to my schedule?</p>
<p>EDIT: oh haha i got you now
Do it one by one! silly me ;)</p>
<p>It’s doable, but prepared to be very tired. It also depends on the classes. If one of them is a P/NP GE, then it’s more like 2 and a half finals
<p>My roommate tried getting accommodation and found it was a lot more difficult than it sounds, especially if you do have the option to take other classes.</p>
<p>just emailed one of my prof’s. looks like there is no final!!!
so it’s all cool now. Just 2 finals on Wed. and 1 on thursday!</p>
<p>thanks for the help guys!</p>