Spring Mid Semester Grades - When posted?

<p>The last day to Withdrawal is 3/19/14. How many days prior are mid-semester grades posted? </p>



<p>Mid-term grades are posted 3 WEEKS before d-day? Hmmm, this has not been my S’s experience. While he seems to always have a good idea of what his mid-term grades would be (I think from blackboard or whatever system the prof uses for grading), prior to the W d-day, I don’t remember ever seeing them officially posted on mybama until within a day of d-day. Keep in mind, also, that midterm grades are only ‘required’ to be posted for level 100 and 200 courses. Students can always go in to talk w/ professors about grades at any time, but esp if it is getting close to W d-day and a student is on the fence about dropping/staying.</p>

<p>if this is a concern for your student, they should just go talk to his/her teachers instead of waiting for a grade to be posted.</p>

<p>Not a concern to my kid; We have a pact that I am only allowed to ask for grades at mid-term. I am just a curious Mom.</p>