Spring or Fall transfer Gallatin admission?

Hey all. So I intend to try to transfer to NYU. I’m at a low-ranked and overall uninspired state school /for my major/, though it’s a good school for other majors, and though I’m attending for a low cost. I really want to go to NYU Gallatin. I feel like I’m not able to explore myself as much as I want to at my current school, and the challenging and rewarding makeup of the Gallatin school is exactly what I want. I adore NYC. If I don’t get in, I will be content staying at my state school, but I know I need to try.

I just need to know whether to apply for the Fall 2021 or Spring 2021. So you have all the information, I have a lease in my current college city for a year, but it’s next to nothing price wise, it’s a cheap part of the city. I’m vice president of my debate team and I treasure this position, though NYU has a debate team. I am currently attending for nearly free. My beloved boyfriend is in my current city. My GPA will certainly be higher after this Fall’s grades, and will give me a better shot at acceptance. This would all lend itself towards applying for Fall 2021, right?

But Gallatin is so unique in that the more time spent in the curriculum, or lack thereof ahah, the better. I want to write my letter of intent for my courses of study at the same time as everyone else: end of sophomore year. And I’m truly eager to start the rest of my life.

My bf says to apply for Spring and if I don’t get in, apply for Fall. My fear is getting in in the Spring and not wanting to go until the fall.

I know you all can’t make this decision for me. But if you were me, when would you apply, Spring or Fall 2021?

Adding this: I’m a current incoming sophomore, sorry for leaving that out!

I’m in a similar situation. I hope someone replies with insight!

Im in a similar situation. I want to transfer to Gallatin as well! Personally Im applying as a Fall Transfer. (1) I have an apartment lease at my current state school ending in August 2021, (2) More time to thoroughly write essays and get recommendations. I know my response is late, so I’m not sure what you decided. As well as because I want another semester of all A’s to be present on my transcript when I apply, so they have more to look at that. I’m not sure what year you’re in because Id be a Junior admit. If you’re anything lower than a junior, I would for sure wait just so they can have a full semester worth of credits and grades on your transcript and they can see that you can consistently keep a good standing GPA. Also, it might be better time wise to apply for Fall. Because when you get in, you’ll have a Summer that you can plan out your move to NYU rather than trying to do it in December. :slight_smile: