Spring Registration/Advising?

<p>I know the fall semester has barely begun, but I was wondering when registration for spring begins, and when students are supposed to start making their advising appointments. Anyone know?</p>

<p>Advising is in October and November.</p>

<p>depending on the major, some advising is done in groups since those majors have few variables…so very few choices to make. </p>

<p>Also…after the student attends his advising time, he needs to MAKE SURE that his Registration Hold was lifted. It usually is, but humans sometimes make mistakes, so CHECK. You don’t want to miss your priority registration time because your Hold was never lifted. </p>

<p>Honors students register early (priority) so be sure to get an early appt.</p>

<p>Students need to pay attention to when the advising appts are…check for emails, posters in buildings, etc.</p>

<p>The business school sent an email reminding students to register for advising appointments on Friday, August 24th, 2.5 days into the semester. I just had my advising appointment today, but it is fine to have a later appointment. I chose to have an advising appointment early because there were more times available and to get the requirement completed ASAP.</p>

<p>Other colleges have different advising policies.</p>

<p>Wow! That’s early. </p>

<p>Students need to be alert!</p>

<p>SEA…was this for upper-division students already in the B-school?</p>

<p>This email was sent to all CBA undergraduates regarding advising for Spring 2013.</p>



<p>Well, D is in the business school and she’s not taking GBA145, so I guess she needs to jump on this. It does seem awfully early - too soon to really know if you like your courses, how well you’re likely to do in them, etc.</p>

<p>Business students just got an email with a link to sign up for appointments online. It asks for your CWID and Bama ID though, and I can’t figure out what the Bama ID is supposed to be. </p>

<p>Also, does anyone know when the course schedule for Spring 2013 should be coming out?</p>

<p>^^ We couldn’t figure out what the BamaID was supposed to be either. It isn’t the MyBama login ID or password, nor is it the CWID again. I am at a loss, and D doesn’t have a clue either.</p>

<p>Yes S missed his priority reg time both semesters due to holds. By a couple of hours first semester & days second semester.
Even if your students know exactly what they are going to be taking they still need an advising apt.</p>

<p>Have students having problems with their Bama ID gone in and used the business school’s computer labs yet? If not, one has to do a short registration process for ones myBamaID to be recognized on the business school’s systems as their username (termed BamaID on the appointment system.)</p>

<p>Thanks, SEA_Tide. That explains the BamaID mystery.</p>

<p>Not sure how accurate it is, but the Spring 2013 course listing is available now for viewing.</p>

<p>I was surprised at how different the Spring 2013 looked to 2012. I had been led to believe that classes don’t change that much in terms of the # of sections and the time slots. </p>

<p>My son said he has heard nothing yet about this new schedule from anyone at UA, so perhaps registration is not as early as last year. I told son to be proactive and contact the Eng’g Dept himself anyway, to get his advising appt (and subsequent hold) taken care of.</p>

<p>PS: I’m just adding to this post…Son made an appointment w/ 1 of the 4 new Freshman Engineering Advisers. With at least 1052 kids in 1st year eng’g…the mind boggles at the amount of appointments this is.</p>

<p>There was something on the advising site about eng doing advising in some of the eng classes. I would have to look at it again to double check.</p>

<p>D has already has her Spring advising session (yesterday maybe?) but her main adviser is now in the Business school. She found out the spring classes were up 10 minutes before her scheduled time :)</p>

<p>How do you make sure that holds are lifted?</p>

<p>*I was surprised at how different the Spring 2013 looked to 2012. I had been led to believe that classes don’t change that much in terms of the # of sections and the time slots. *</p>

<p>I don’t think there’s been a set pattern for time slots. There often was a pattern for number of seats in a class. the number of sections will change based on the growing/shrinking size of a dept.</p>